CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2020/06/06 15:01:30
Modified files: share/man/man4/man4.macppc: aoa.4 snapper.4 sys/arch/macppc/dev: aoa.c snapper.c Log message: Move PowerBook5,4 audio from aoa(4) to snapper(4). This adds the missing TAS3004 volume control. Before, I put my ear near the speaker (to hear audio), because I had no way to turn up the volume. Now, the default volume is much louder, so I use sndioctl(1) to turn it down. Check for the model string "PowerBook5,4". This model's device tree has compatible = "AOAKeylargo" for the audio, doesn't show the TAS3004 in the same way as other models.