CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2020/06/29 12:25:26
Modified files: usr.sbin/ldomctl: config.c Log message: Fix "init-system" with multiple PCIe root complexes Contrary to other (single CPU) machines, the Oracle SPARC T4-2 machines come with two CPUs/two PCIe root complexes instead of one. ldomctl already accounts for this and interates over them but lacked a skip condition when iterating over subdevices to avoid linking devices in one complex to those in another. This fixes a NULL dereference in "init-system" on T4-2 machines and makes it produce working machine descriptions (.md files). Testing and confirmation on a T4-1 that single PCIe root complex machines still produce identical MDs with this from tracey, thanks! Reminded by a report on bugs@ from Kokuma who also confirmed this fix on their T4-2.