CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2020/07/24 06:43:32

Modified files:
        sys/dev/ic     : adv.c aic79xx.c ami.c cac.c ciss.c gdt_common.c 
                         mfi.c osiop.c qlw.c siop.c twe.c uha.c 
        sys/dev/pci    : ahd_pci.c arc.c ips.c pciide.c 
        sys/dev/sdmmc  : sdmmc.c 

Log message:
Turning on various scsi drivers' *DEBUG options reveals that this has
rarely (if ever) been done.

Fix many printf format errors to calm clang and gcc on amd64, i386,
hppa. Missing #include, complaints if 'option <blah>DEBUG' is used in
config files, etc. All in debug code.

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