CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:        2021/07/20 11:31:32

Modified files:
        lib/libcrypto/man: Makefile X509_NAME_new.3 d2i_X509_NAME.3 
Added files:
        lib/libcrypto/man: X509_NAME_hash.3 

Log message:
Split X509_NAME_hash(3) out of d2i_X509_NAME(3) and document
X509_issuer_name_hash(3), X509_subject_name_hash(3), and the _old variants.

Even though this is only tangentially related to decoding and encoding,
including a single function in d2i_X509_NAME(3) was probably OK,
but let's not bog down that page with six functions that are likely
to become obsolete at some point - even though right now, they are
still being used both internally and by external software.

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