CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:  2021/12/15 04:23:09

Modified files:
        usr.bin/usbhidaction: usbhidaction.c 

Log message:
restrict filesystem access with unveil(2).

this one opens the default table file "/usr/share/misc/usb_hid_usages" through
hid_start(3) from libusbhid, then `dev' (will be the fd used on the ioctls)
and finally `conf' which is the file with the actions to be monitored. `conf'
needs to be unveil(2)ed with read perms since usbhidaction(1) can run as daemon
and this file will be re-read if a SIGHUP is catched.

looks good deraadt@

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