CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:        2022/06/05 07:42:50

Modified files:
        usr.bin/mandoc : mandoc.1 mandoc.h mandoc_msg.c roff_escape.c 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/char/accent: nocombine.out_lint 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/char/space: invalid.out_lint 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/char/unicode: input.out_lint 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/roff/char: badarg.out_lint 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/roff/esc: B.out_lint ignore.out_lint 
                                         unsupp.out_lint w.out_lint 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/roff/nr: escname.out_lint 
        regress/usr.bin/mandoc/roff/string: name.out_lint 

Log message:
With the improved escape sequence parser, it becomes easy to also improve
diagnostics.  Distinguish "incomplete escape sequence", "invalid special
character", and "unknown special character" from the generic "invalid
escape sequence", also promoting them from WARNING to ERROR because
incomplete escape sequences are severe syntax violations and because
encountering an invalid or unknown special character makes it likely
that part of the document content intended by the authors gets lost.

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