CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2023/03/08 04:52:20

Modified files:
        distrib/miniroot: install.sub 

Log message:
Treat WEP like WPA:  only offer if supported

WEP does not work with our bwfm(4) and it shows:
Which network interface do you wish to configure? (or 'done') [bse0] bwfm0
ifconfig: SIOCS80211NWKEY: Operation not supported by device
Access point? (ESSID, 'any', list# or '?') [any] 2
Security protocol? (O)pen, (W)EP, WPA-(P)SK [O]

Handle the error and disable (W)EP unless the driver has it.

No objections from anyone.

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