CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2023/04/25 06:46:13
Modified files: sys/arch/amd64/include: vmmvar.h usr.sbin/vmd : config.c loadfile.h loadfile_elf.c parse.y virtio.c virtio.h vm.c vmd.c vmd.h vmm.c usr.sbin/vmctl : vmctl.c Log message: vmm(4)/vmd(8): pull struct members out of vmm ioctl create struct. The object sent to vmm(4) contained file paths and details the kernel does not need for cpu virtualization as device emulation is in userland. Effectively, "pull up" the struct members from the vm_create_params struct to the parent vmop_create_params struct. This allows us to clean up some of vmd(8) and simplify things for switching to having vmctl(8) open the "kernel" file (SeaBIOS, bsd.rd, etc.) to allow users to boot recovery ramdisk kernels. ok mlarkin@