CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2023/06/19 07:05:25

Modified files:
        etc            : group 
        sbin/shutdown  : Makefile shutdown.8 

Log message:
The group "operator" gatekeeps a few superuser abilities (dumping disks,
manipulating tape drives -> means gid operator on device nodes).  This group
is also used with group-access bit on the setuid-root shutdown command
(mode ug+x,u+s).  Some people use this to shutdown/reboot their machines, but
use of that group is giving them disk read access also, which is wrong.
It would be a pain to re-gid all the device nodes, so instead let's renumber
the operator execution gid into group "_shutdown".
Users using this shutdown/reboot functionality will notice it no longer works,
and move themselves to the correct group.
Various choices discussed at large, this seems our best choice.
ok sthen

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