CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2024/06/28 08:46:19

Modified files:
        lib/libssl     : ssl_lib.c 

Log message:
Fix SSL_select_next_proto()

SSL_select_next_proto() is already quite broken by its design: const in,
non-const out, with the intention of pointing somewhere inside of the two
input pointers. A length returned in an unsigned char (because, you know,
the individual protocols are encoded in Pascal strings). Can't signal
uailure either. It also has an unreachable public return code.

Also, due to originally catering to NPN, this function opportunistically
selects a protocol from the second input (client) parameters, which makes
little sense for ALPN since that means the server falls back to a protocol
it doesn't (want to) support. If there's no overlap, it's the callback's
job to signal error to its caller for ALPN.

As if that wasn't enough misdesign and bugs, the one we're concerned with
here wasn't reported to us twice in ten years is that if you pass this API
a zero-length (or a sufficiently malformed client protocol list), it would
return a pointer pointing somewhere into the heap instead into one of the
two input pointers. This pointer could then be interpreted as a Pascal
string, resulting in an information disclosure of up to 255 bytes from the
heap to the peer, or a crash.

This can only happen for NPN (where it does happen in old python and node).

A long time ago jsing removed NPN support from LibreSSL, because it had
an utter garbage implementation and because it was practically unused.
First it was already replaced by the somewhat less bad ALPN, and the only
users were the always same language bindings that tend to use every feature
they shouldn't use. There were a lot of complaints due to failing test
cases in there, but in the end the decision turned out to be the right
one: the consequence is that LibreSSL isn't vulnerable to CVE-2024-5535.

Still, there is a bug here to fix. It is completely straightforward to
do so. Rewrite this mess using CBS, preserving the current behavior.
Also, we do not follow BoringSSL's renaming of the variables. It would
result in confusing code in almost all alpn callbacks I've seen in the
wild. The only exception is the accidental example of Qt.

ok jsing

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