CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: xenocara Changes by: 2012/03/13 16:44:44
Modified files: driver/xf86-video-intel/src: i830_display.c Log message: Mostly fix rotation in the intel driver. Since recent(ish) changes we can allocate roatated framebuffers with tiling. This was not taken into account. Fix this for the most part: 1) i830_display_tiled needs to check tiling on rotated buffers too. 2) PipeSetBase needs to not only set offset to 0 for roated shadow buffers, it also needs to 0 DSPTILEOFF x/y too. There seems to be a remaining issue with damage or similar causing some latency on rotated screens, I have not managed to find this yet. Tested by sereral on tech@ ok matthieu a couple of weeks ago (his mail slipped though the cracks, hence late commit).