On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:26:22 -0600 (MDT), Jason McIntyre wrote:

>CVSROOT:       /cvs
>Module name:   src
>Changes by:    j...@cvs.openbsd.org    2012/04/20 10:26:22
>Modified files:
>       usr.bin/ssh    : ssh.1 
>Log message:
>use "brackets" instead of "braces", for consistency;

Square braces become square brackets.
So we have changed a contradiction to a tautology

For the benefit of those who didn't dig that:

( and ) are parentheses
[ and ] are brackets
{ and } are braces

I thought that you were a fine pedant, jmc, and now you have let me

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This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

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