CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2014/05/12 13:14:14

Modified files:
        lib/libcrypto/crypto: Makefile shlib_version 
        lib/libssl/ssl : Makefile shlib_version 
        regress/lib/libcrypto/pqueue: Makefile pq_test.c 
Added files:
        lib/libssl/src/ssl: pqueue.c pqueue.h 
Removed files:
        lib/libssl/src/crypto/pqueue: pqueue.c pqueue.h 

Log message:
Move the `pqueue' part of libcrypto, which is a glorified sorted linked list
of 64-bit data, and only used by DTLS, to libssl where it belongs.

Remove pqueue_print() which is a debugging interface and serves no useful
purpose, except for the regress test, which grows its own pqueue_print()

Bump libcrypto major and libssl minor.

WARNING: do not update your tree right now, more changes are coming, which
will ride the libcrypto major bump.

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