CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2014/07/10 08:45:02

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/smtpd : queue.c scheduler.c scheduler_api.c 
                         scheduler_backend.c scheduler_null.c 
                         scheduler_proc.c scheduler_ramqueue.c 
                         smtpd-api.h smtpd.c smtpd.h 

Log message:
Improve the scheduler, better and simpler.

- Get rid of the scheduler_batch structure. The scheduler can now return
envelopes of different types in a single run, interlacing them to avoid
batch effects.

- Ask for an acknowledgement from the queue when removing or expiring
an envelope to benefit from the inflight envelope limitation mechanism.
This ensures that the scheduler always keeps sending envelopes at a rate
that the queue can sustain in all cases.

- Limit the number of envelopes in a holdq.  When a holdq is full,
new envelopes are put back in the pending queue instead, with a
shorter retry time.

- Plumbing for proc-ified schedulers.

imsg version bump. smtpctl stop before updating.

ok gilles@

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