On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:05, Ted Unangst wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  src
> Changes by:   t...@cvs.openbsd.org    2015/01/16 10:05:49
> Modified files:
> sys/kern       : vfs_cache.c
> Log message:
> increasing the size of the namecache suddenly made the comment
> "This makes the algorithm O(n^2), but do you think I care?"
> a lot more meaningful, as discovered by krw.
> fix the loop so it doesn't restart all the time, as it's not necessary.
> (this was also tried years ago in rev 1.20 and reverted, but that change
> also introduced pool_put before the namecache was ready to free things. we
> have been freeing cache entries with pool_put for some time now, so that's
> been made safe.)
> ok deraadt krw

One more Vienna f2k7 diff trickling back after an eight year vacation. :)

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