CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:        2015/04/04 11:46:58

Modified files:
        usr.bin/mandoc : man_term.c mdoc_term.c term.c term.h 
                         term_ascii.c term_ps.c 

Log message:
Rounding rules for horizontal scaling widths are more complicated.
There is a first rounding to basic units on the input side.
After that, rounding rules differ between requests and macros.
Requests round to the nearest possible character position.
Macros round to the next character position to the left.

Implement that by changing the return value of term_hspan()
to basic units and leaving the second scaling and rounding stage
to the formatters instead of doing it in the terminal handler.

Improves for example argtable2(3).

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