CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2015/10/26 01:44:43

Modified files:
        sys/kern       : kern_pledge.c 

Log message:
change some pledge_fail() error/code

- for PLEDGE_FATTR: the code is more accurate to be PLEDGE_FATTR, has
p->p_pledgenote could have multiple bits inside, and it is the lake of
PLEDGE_FATTR that make the check fail.

- for PLEDGE_RECVFD and PLEDGE_SENDFD, change the error to be EINVAL: we fail,
not because of lake of PLEDGE_RECVFD / PLEDGE_SENDFD permission, but because
the value passed is invalid in pledged program (for example trying to send a

"go ahead" deraadt@

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