CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2016/01/06 15:28:52

Modified files:
        usr.bin/vi/cl  : cl_screen.c cl_term.c 
        usr.bin/vi/common: delete.c exf.c key.c line.c log.c mark.c 
                           msg.c options.c options_f.c put.c recover.c 
        usr.bin/vi/ex  : ex.c ex_abbrev.c ex_append.c ex_args.c 
                         ex_argv.c ex_bang.c ex_cd.c ex_display.c 
                         ex_filter.c ex_global.c ex_init.c ex_join.c 
                         ex_map.c ex_mark.c ex_mkexrc.c ex_move.c 
                         ex_open.c ex_preserve.c ex_read.c ex_screen.c 
                         ex_script.c ex_shift.c ex_subst.c ex_tag.c 
                         ex_util.c ex_visual.c ex_write.c 
        usr.bin/vi/vi  : getc.c v_ch.c v_ex.c v_increment.c v_match.c 
                         v_replace.c v_screen.c v_search.c v_txt.c 
                         v_util.c v_xchar.c vi.c vs_refresh.c vs_smap.c 

Log message:
Remove the numeric identifiers at the beginning of the messages
which used to be used as the message number to lookup in the
catalog.  From Martijn van Duren

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