CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2016/01/07 07:37:51
Modified files: games/trek : abandon.c attack.c autover.c capture.c check_out.c checkcond.c compkl.c computer.c damage.c damaged.c dcrept.c destruct.c dock.c dumpgame.c dumpme.c dumpssradio.c events.c getcodi.c getpar.c help.c impulse.c initquad.c kill.c klmove.c lose.c lrscan.c main.c move.c nova.c out.c phaser.c play.c ram.c ranf.c rest.c schedule.c score.c setup.c setwarp.c shield.c snova.c srscan.c systemname.c torped.c visual.c warp.c win.c Log message: ANSIfy trek(6) Note: Binary change is introduced due to function schedule() where its args are (int,double,char,char,char), but on trek.h are (int,double,int,int,int). Changed to the latter since the 3 last args are coordinates. OK tb@