CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:  2017/01/17 16:28:04

Modified files:
        libexec/spamd  : spamd.c 

Log message:
- spamd(8)'s -l accepts an IP address as argument to bind(2) and it calls
inet_pton(3) to check if it's valid and since that function doesn't provide
a proper errno (POSIX doesn't mandate to do so) then if a string is given we
may get this message:
spamd: inet_pton: Undefined error: 0

- Instead replace that code to use getaddrinfo(3) from which is possible to get
a proper error message, and at the same time being able to parse IPs and
hostnames (if either the IP or host is not local then the next bind(2) will

- By default without arguments, spamd(8) will still bind(2) to as
it did before

With feedback from deraadt@ and OK beck@

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