CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:   2017/01/21 01:41:42

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/acme-client: Makefile acme-client.1 chngproc.c extern.h 
                              main.c netproc.c parse.h parse.y 

Log message:
acme-client use configuration file [1 of 5]

start using the configuration file and delete command line arguments:

-a agreement    -> agreement url ...
-c certdir      -> domain certificate "path"
-f accountkey   -> account key "path"
-k domainkey    -> domain key "path"
-s authority    -> sign with "name"

new argument:
-f configfile

the changes needed to use the new configuration are local to main.c for now.
While the configuration could be passed directly to netproc(), keyproc() etc,
the diff is smaller this way.

This also removes the multidir (-m) mode for now - specify different paths in
each domain {} block instead.

ok florian

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