CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2017/05/28 06:21:36

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/bgpd  : bgpd.h control.c rde.c rde.h rde_rib.c 
                         session.c session.h 

Log message:
Implement an XON/XOFF protocol between the RDE and the SE to throttle
per control session and peer the generation of imsg in the RDE. This
reduces the memory pressure in the SE substantially and also a bit in
the RDE. Makes the RDE more responsive for bgpctl commands.
Tested by me with 100 peers * 2000 prefixes and by phessler@ on an AMS-IX
border router with 200+ session. Convergance time got quite a bit better.
OK phessler@

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