CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2017/05/28 09:16:33

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/bgpd  : bgpd.c bgpd.h config.c kroute.c parse.y 

Log message:
so far, bgpd was hardcoded to use rtable 0 for nexthop verification.
instead, use the rtable bgpd was started in (route -T <n> exec / rc.d
daemon_rtable) for nexthop verification and as default Adj-RIB-In and
Loc-RIB. This allows multiple bgpds in different rdomains on the same
machine - bgp router virtualization if you like buzzwords.
initial version written under contract more than a year ago, it took us
a while to wrap our brains around the bgpd <-> rdomain interactions -
1) RIBs, 2) nexthop verification and 3) tcp sockets.
ok & input phessler claudio benno

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