On 2017/08/15 11:57, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  src
> Changes by:   j...@cvs.openbsd.org    2017/08/15 11:57:57
> Modified files:
>       bin/ksh        : alloc.c 
> Log message:
> Remove expensive pointer check in afree()
> The check added in rev 1.8 walks the whole freelist to catch cases where
> an unknown pointer is passed to afree(); but it can't catch cases
> whether the struct link has been corrupted by an invalid memory write.
> And it becomes very expensive when you have lots of items in an area
> (for example with a huge HISTSIZE).
> Discussed with & ok millert@ tb@

I'm not certain that it's a result of this change, but I updated to a
snapshot past this change yesterday and today in one of my open shells
I started getting "ksh: history file is corrupt" showing up when trying
to run any commands (the command is then not executed). Opening a new
terminal I get a hang (interruptable with ^C):

load: 0.38  cmd: ksh 2244 [lockf] 0.02u 0.02s 0% 243k

My histfile is currently 1197 lines:

$ wc .ksh_history 
    1197   12866  274756 .ksh_history

Some of them are fairly long lines (e.g. 4096, 8465, 8482, 8345 chars)
and I probably haven't had quite such long lines before since the switch
to the plain history file, so if it's connected with that, it could also
have been a problem prior to the recent change and I just didn't run into
it before.

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