CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:   2017/09/12 09:17:21

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/syslogd: syslogd.c 

Log message:
In the default configuration syslogd(8) kept two *:514 UDP sockets
open.  These sockets are used for sending UDP packets if there is
a UDP loghost in syslog.conf(5).  If syslogd is started with -u,
they can receive packets, otherwise they are disabled with
shutdown(SHUT_RD).  In case syslogd does neither send nor receive,
close the sockets after reading the configuration file.  This gives
us a cleaner netstat output, and the ports are not reported by port
scanners.  This has no security implication.
OK benno@ jca@ sthen@ deraadt@

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