CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:   2018/02/28 10:01:34

Modified files:
        sys/arch/amd64/amd64: Tag: OPENBSD_6_2 vector.S 

Log message:
To workaround against the Meltdown flaw this additional change has
been backported from OpenBSD -current.

Changes by:        2018/02/27 23:19:28
Modified files:
sys/arch/amd64/amd64: vector.S
Log message:
It helps to spell 'GSBASE' with a 'G'.  With the thinko the NMI and
double-fault handlers only worked when the GS.base was already the kernel
value (i.e., from inside the kernel).  Retested in qemu for both positive
and negative cases ("if I put a bogus GS.base value there, does it crash
on NMI?")

OpenBSD 6.2 errata 009

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