CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:        2018/03/18 07:06:36

Modified files:
        lib/libcrypto/man: DSA_do_sign.3 DSA_new.3 DSA_set_method.3 
                           Makefile RSA_new.3 RSA_private_encrypt.3 
                           RSA_public_encrypt.3 RSA_set_method.3 
Added files:
        lib/libcrypto/man: DSA_meth_new.3 RSA_meth_new.3 

Log message:
In rsa.h rev. 1.38 2018/03/17 15:12:56 and dsa.h rev. 1.30 2018/03/17
15:19:12, tb@ provided a subset of the DSA_meth_*(3) and RSA_meth_*(3)
functions.  Merge the relevant parts of the manual pages from
OpenSSL, heavily tweaked by me, in particular for conciseness.

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