Japan embarks on agricultural projects
JUBA, 14 May 2012 (NASS) – The Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) is embarking on agricultural projects in South Sudan.

The Vice President of JICA in South Sudan, Mr. Watanabe Masato said
this today while briefing the minister for Information and
Broadcasting Hon Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin on the expansion of their
projects in the country.

Mr Masato explained that JICA has already started on the projects of
bridge construction across the Nile, water supply, and airport
expansion, and shortly will embark on agriculture to strengthen food

He as well revealed that the equipment for improving both SSTV and
Radio will arrive in Juba from Japan by September this year.

Dr Marial thanked JICA for continuous support to South Sudan saying
the agricultural project will help in strengthening food security. He
told JICA’s Vice President that the presence of the Japanese army
engineering contingents is helping a lot in attracting investors.

He as well called on the Japanese investors to come and invest in
South Sudan confirming that the Republic of South Sudan is safe and

Dr Marial (right) gives a certificate to one of the graduands.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

In a separate development, the government of the Republic of Egypt has
today graduated South Sudan media attachés after a series of training
in diplomacy. During the graduation, the ambassador of Egypt to South
Sudan, Mr. Moayad said Egypt is honored to be the first to train South
Sudanese on diplomacy.

He assured RSS government that this is not the last training and that
many are following soon on different areas of development. He also
said the government of Egypt is soon extending especial program to
Jonglei state so that media personnel there receive similar program.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

H.E Kiir meets UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
JUBA, 10 May 2012 - The President of the Republic H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir
Mayardit has reiterated that the young Government of the Republic of
South Sudan came from a long struggle for human rights and the
government is committed to respecting and advancing the protection of
the human rights. This was disclosed to the press by the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Navanethem Pillay after
her meeting with the President of the Republic H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir
Mayardit yesterday on Wednesday 9th May, 2012 at state House in Juba.

Ms. Pillay said she is pleased the government of South Sudan has setup
National Human Rights commission and other important government
institutions, and thanked the government for addressing concerns of
Human rights in South Sudan which she described as a good initiative,
which will bring the new state to the best international human rights
norms and standards.

H.E Kiir meets UN Human Rights Commissioner.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

In another event, President Kiir received credentials of Israeli and
Austrian Ambassadors yesterday on 9th May 2012 at the State House in
Juba. The ambassadors are:

1- Amb. Haim Koren – Israel
2- Amb. Gdrun Graf – Austria

On May 4th 2012 President of the Republic also received credentials of
five ambassadors, were: -

1- Amb. Cornelis Theodorvs Van Baar– Kingdom of Netherlands
2- Amb. Kufa Edward Chinza – Republic of Zimbabwe
3- Amb. Pernille Dahler Kardel – Denmark
4- Am. Clara Pulido – Cuba
5- Amb. Sile Manguire– Ireland

H.E Kiir receives credentials of Austria Ambassador.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

May it be known to all that so far (9th May, 2012) the number of the
ambassadors accredited officially by the Republic of South Sudan is
nineteen (19), and they are:-

The First Group, Sep. 16th 2011:
1- Mr. Alaster Mcphail, Ambassador - Amb. of United Kingdom
2- Mrs. Ingrid Osfstad, Ambassador - Amb. of Kingdom of Norway

The Second Group, Nov. 15th 2011:
3- Amb. Li Zhiguo - China
4- Amb. Cleland Leshore - Kenya
5- Amb. Peter Felten - Germany

The Third Group, Dec. 8th 2011:
6- Amb. Moayad Fathallah Moihammed – Ambassador of Egypt
7- Amb. Chrition Bader – Ambassador of France
8- Amb. Susan Page– Ambassador of USA
9- Amb. Jan Sedak – Ambassador of Sweden

H.E Kiir receives credentials of Israeli Ambassador.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

The Fourth Group, Feb. 27th, 2012:
10- Mr. Fre Tesfamichael Tesfatsion - Ambassador of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
11- Mr. Ahmed Ergin –Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey
12- Mr. Sven Kuehn Von Burgsdorff – Ambassador of the European Union

The Fifth Group, May 4th, 2012:
13- Amb. Cornelis Theodorvs Van Baar – Kingdom of Netherlands
14- Amb. Kufa Edward Chinza – Republic of Zimbabwe
15- Amb. Pernille Dahler Kardel – Denmark
16- Am. Clara Pulido – Cuba
17- Amb. Sile Manguire – Ireland

The sixth Group, May 9th, 2012:
18- Amb. Haim Koren – Israel
19- Amb. Gdrun Graf – Austria

Reported by Mr. Thomas Kenneth Elisapana

Private universities closed
JUBA, 10 May 2012 - The national ministry of Higher Education, Science
and Technology in the Republic of South Sudan has ordered with
immediate effect the closure of private institutions of learning/
private universities that have been operating in the country saying
they do not measure to the standards of an institution of Higher

Addressing the press in the ministry of Information headquarters
today, Dr. Peter Adok Nyaba, the minister of Higher Education, said
this decision to close the universities was reached as a result of
findings of a study commissioned by the ministry between January and
February this year.

“After thorough analysis of the Report and in exercise of the powers
conferred by the Higher Education Act of 2012, I the minister of
Higher Education, Science and Technology therefore ordered closed with
immediate effect all the institutions of which do not meet or fulfil
the conditions of providing university education and this includes
their licence withdrawal” said Dr. Nyaba.

The affected universities among others include, Supiri Institute of
management and Information Technology, The Bridge University, Nile
Institute of Technology, Hippo Engineering Institute, Southern
University (Institute of Management studies), Cambridge International
College ,African population Institute, Agape Christian University.

Dr Nyaba addressing the press.
[Photo: Matata Safi]

The minister also said his ministry has written to the ministry of
Justice of the Republic of South Sudan to institute legal measures
against a number of the universities for fraudulent fleecing of South
Sudanese citizens.

The study focused on a number of factors among which included but not
limited to, location in terms of conducive for learning, ownership,
whether it has sufficient number of lecture rooms, recreational
facilities, qualifications of the lecturers and the administration.

Dr. Nyaba called on South Sudanese already registered in these
institutions to meet with the General Director of Administration of
Higher Education for if they would wish to continue with university

“The People who have registered in these institutions, should they
wish to continue university education, are requested to meet the
General Director of Administration, Evaluation and Acceleration for
placement in recognized institutions of higher education on condition
that they Have School leaving certificates with pass” noted Dr. Nyaba.

This new comes as a thunder storm to many unsuspecting South Sudan who
thought these universities had given them a rare opportunity for
university education.

Reported by Matata Safi

UNIDO project to boost food security and employment in Upper Nile
JUBA, 10 May 2012 - The United Nations Industrial Development
Organisation (UNIDO) will spend US$3.5 million in a multi-sectoral
vocational training programme targeting Upper Nile State over the next
three years.

Mr Laraisse Esserrhini, the Project Coordinator of the “Sustainable
Food Security through Community-based Livelihoods Development and
Water Harvesting in South Sudan initiative,” said that in addition to
providing vocational skills to the local people the project would also
benefit the agricultural and fishing industries.

Mr Esserrhini said the overall objective of the project which will be
run jointly with the Ministry of Labour, Public Service and Human
Resource Development, was to prepare the trainees for the job market.

“We are not just going to train people for the sake of it. We will
train the graduates so that they can get access to employment or
self-employment,” he said.

Mr Esserhini said the project was the outcome of a wide consultative
process with the government and various stakeholders, adding that the
consultations had helped identify the needs of the local people. The
UN official said the local people indicated that they required crop
seeds and agricultural tools.

He said the project would therefore focus on vocational training and
increased production in the agricultural and fishing sectors.

Mr Esserhini said the project would also to impart basic skills in
business management as a way of reinforcing the practical skills
acquired by the graduates. He added that the project had also sought
the cooperation of UNESCO and the International Labour Organisation to
infuse literacy and numeracy skills into the training programmes.

Mr Esserhini was speaking when he signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) for the project with the Under Secretary for Labour and
Industrial Relations, Madam Hellen Achiro, at the Ministry’s
boardroom. The signing was witnessed by the Public Service and HRD
Under Secretary, Mrs Angeth Acol, the Ministry’s Legal Adviser, Mr
Abraham Dut, and other senior UNIDO, ILO and Ministry officials.

Speaking at the function, Madam Achiro thanked UNIDO for its
assistance to South Sudan saying the initiative would go a long away
in improving the livelihoods of the residents of Upper Nile State and
preparing them for employment.

Madam Achiro said the project had been negotiated through different
levels to ensure ownership and continuity by the local community.

Under the MoU, the Ministry will avail the Malakal Vocational Training
Centre (MVTC) for the hosting of the training programmes for the
project. The Ministry will also provide accommodation for the UNIDO
project at MVTC for efficient execution of the programmes.

The Ministry of Labour also has an obligation to assign a focal point
person from its headquarters and focal point person at the Upper
Nile/Malakal level, both of whom will be associated with all the
operational acts of the project in addition to liaising with the
Ministry at national and state level.

On its part, UNIDO will conduct all training workshops that can
technically be hosted by MVTC at the institution. The MVTC will
benefit from a purchase and repair programme of the specific equipment
needed for the training.

Reported by Alnour Ango and Simon Owaka

South Sudan marks first World Red Cross Day
JUBA, 9 May 2012 - South Sudan for the first time as an independent
country yesterday joined the rest of the world in marking the World
Red Cross and Red Crescent Day celebrated every 08th of May yearly

Speaking at the occasion in South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) national
headquarters in Juba, Mr. Arthur Poole the Secretary General of South
Sudan Red Cross said the organization is ready to play its role in
providing humanitarian assistance in the Republic of South Sudan.

Mr Poole addressing the participants at the celebration.
[Photo: Matata Safi]

“South Sudan is seeing escalating humanitarian needs with no sign of
the reprieve. The SSRC would wish to take a strong role in providing
prompt and appropriate humanitarian response to the needs of the
people of this country”, he said.

South Sudan Red Cross that was established on the 9th of July 2011
following the independence of the Republic of South Sudan. It got a
much needed boost when the South Sudan Red Cross bill was passed in
March this year by the National Assembly formally recognizing it
(SSRC) as a national society in providing humanitarian assistance in
South Sudan.

Mr. Poole said this was a huge milestone for the society giving it
full recognition as a member of the International Red Cross society.

He added that SSRC has active and trained volunteers in all the ten
States, engaged in programs of emergency response, first aid, disaster
management and preparedness, community based health programs, hygiene
promotion, water and sanitation and promotion of social inclusion.

Hon Okolong.
[Photo: Matata Safi]

Meanwhile the deputy minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster
Management Hon. Sabina Dario Okolong lauded the Red Cross for its
immense contribution to the people of South Sudan during and after the
country’s long and painful struggle for freedom.

“The other day our IDPs were given seven days to leave Sudan, it is
worth mentioning that, through your collective efforts and those of
the government that the date got extended”, said Okolong.

She said South Sudan as a new nation has enormous challenges and added
that the government with the combined efforts from partners like
International Red Cross is able to address these challenges.

The international Red Cross and Red Crescent movement was founded over
150 years ago by Henry Dunant who was profoundly moved by the sight of
thousands of wounded soldiers perishing without healthcare in the

Reported by Matata Safi

South Sudan should engage in regional and international popular opinion
KAMPALA, 7 May 2012 (NASS) – The State Minister for Foreign Affairs
and Regional Cooperation in the Republic of Uganda, Hon. Asuman
Kiyingi has urged the government of South Sudan to keep on explaining
its position and engaging in regional and international popular
opinion so that the world understands it properly.

The minister said this on Sunday after being briefed by the minister
for Information and Broadcasting Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin on the
recent conflict between South Sudan and its neighbour Sudan.

Hon. Kiyingi said explaining the situation both regionally and
internationally is good so that South Sudan is not projected as an
aggressor as is now perceived by the international community.

Hon. Kiyingi (right) welcomes Dr. Marial (left) to his office.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

Answering some questions raised by South Sudanese students regarding
security in Uganda, the minister assured them that the government will
follow up such cases so that the students are safe in order not to
jeopardize bilateral relations.

On his part, Dr. Marial who is also the official spokesperson of the
government of South Sudan welcomed the idea raised by the government
of Uganda to engage in regional and international public opinion
saying they will implement it.

He said UN and the world are projecting South Sudan as aggressors
because they don’t know much about Heglig, originally known as
Panthou. He said anyone who follows the 1/1/1956 map will definitely
know where Panthou falls.

He told his Ugandan counterpart that the good thing about the conflict
is that the issue is going to be tabled soon at the UN Security
Council for debate.

He added that the government of the Republic of South Sudan will never
give in Panthou and will take this issue to the International Court of
Arbitration, if need be.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

UN representative urges Jonglei residents to open a new chapter of peace
JUBA, 9 May 2012 - The Special Representative of the Secretary General
for South Sudan, Hilde F. Johnson, on Saturday 5 May while
participating in the closing ceremony of “The Jonglei All Community
Peace Conference” in Bor, Jonglei State, called on Jonglei communities
to start a new chapter of peace.

A press release from UNMISS department of public information quoted
SRSG Johnson as saying, “Today is the opportunity to say No to
violence, we need to see peace reach the communities in the grassroots
and the cattle camps."

She stressed that lasting peace can only happen when comprehensive
solutions to the challenges of Jonglei have been found, when security
institutions are being established, and protection for the people is
in place.

She commended the commitment of the communities to reaching a
conflict-free Jonglei and reassured of the mission's commitment to
help in opening a chapter for sustainable peace.

Ms Johnson (right) addresses participants at the peace conference in Bor.
[Photo: UNMISS]

Ms Johnson further pointed out the importance of peaceful disarmament
in ending the cycle of violence in the state. She commended the
efforts of all the key players and the chiefs whom she lauded for
mobilizing the people for the peaceful disarmament so far witnessed.
She expressed hope that, the process will be completed in a peacefully

The signing ceremony took place at Freedom Square in Bor town, the
capital of the state, and was attended by representatives of the six
main communities of the state (Dinka, Kachipo, Jie, Nuer, Anyuak and
Murle). Present also was the state governor Kuol Manyang, Archbishop
Daniel Deng Bol, John Luk who is the national minister for Justice and
Legal Affairs among others.

Jonglei, one of the biggest out of the ten states of the Republic of
South Sudan was engulfed in cattle raiding between January and
February. The unlawful incidents left many people dead while
displacing thousands more.

President Salva Kiir Mayardit in the wake of this called for the
disarmament of the Jonglei communities which has been going on for
about a month and has already yielded relative peace in the area.

Reported by Matata Safi

RSS government calls for humanitarian attention on IDPS from Sudan
KAMPALA, 7 May 2012 (NASS) – The government of the Republic of South
Sudan has called on the humanitarian organizations in the country to
pay much attention on the internally displaced coming from Sudan.

The minister for Information and Broadcasting who is also the official
government spokesperson announced this while briefing Ugandan
journalists on the recent crises in South Sudan. Dr Marial said the
IDPs are currently suffering in Kosti because of the absence of the
basic services like food, shelter and medicine.

Dr Marial (right) addressing the press in Kampala.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

He urged the humanitarian organizations to quickly help saying the
situation is getting worse from day to day especially with young

He challenged the African journalists especially the Ugandan ones to
take an initiative to deal with the challenges.

He said South Sudan is purely an African country and Ugandan and
African journalists at large are welcome to find the truth in South
Sudan telling them listening from far is not a good system of
reporting. He added that relying on the secondary materials is not
always right sometimes it misleads.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

RSS students in Uganda call for pressure on Sudan to stop aggression
on South Sudan
KAMPALA, 6 May 2012 (NASS) – The South Sudanese students in Uganda
have urged the United Nations Security Council, the African Union and
China to pressurize Sudan to halt its aggression on South Sudan.

Addressing the mass during Nuer students’ cultural exhibition, the
president of the South Sudanese students union in Uganda said the UN
should not be reluctant to look into South Sudan’s problem saying the
problems in South Sudan affect the whole region.

The students as well requested the UN Security Council to deploy its
forces in Heglig and order Sudan Armed Forces to withdraw as done by
the SPLA to ensure the area is safe.

Dr Marial (left) engages a student in a mock duel.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

Meanwhile, the minister for Information and Broadcasting, Dr Barnaba
Marial Benjamin disclosed that both UN Security Council and IGAD are
working closely to strengthen African Union High Implementation Panel
to facilitate peace between the two countries.

He asserted that Panthou is part of South Sudan. “It is only because
demarcation was not done that is why there is conflict between Sudan
and South Sudan”, he said.

He also urged the Nuer students’ union in Uganda to help support the
government in convincing their families to accept disarmament process
so that there is peace and development in the country.

He pointed out that the government has taken notice of the suffering
of students in the Diaspora and that it is working to resolve the
problem. He urged the students to take education very seriously saying
with it the country will have brighter future.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

Sudan extends exodus deadline to 20th May
JUBA, 6 May 2012 - The authorities in Khartoum have extended the seven
days departure order issued last week by the governor of White Nile
Yussuf Al-Shambali to all South Sudanese temporarily sheltering in
Kosti the capital of White Nile, by two weeks. Governor Al-Shambali
had set 5th May as the deadline saying their presence in the area
threatens the security and environment of his state.

According to Sudan Tribune website, the decision to extend South
Sudanese stay in Kosti was reached in a meeting of Sudan’s minister
for Social Affairs Amira Fadil and the governor Al-Sambali.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UN Humanitarian
Affairs representatives in Khartoum had in the wake of the seven days
given to the big number of over 12,000 South Sudanese called on the
government in Khartoum to review the decision by the governor.

While announcing the extension, governor Al-Sambali said the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UN humanitarian
organisations will be allowed to transport the refugees by road to
Renk in Upper Nile state of the Republic of South Sudan.

Sudan that controls most of the barges in Khartoum blocked all barges
used by IOM to transport the South Sudanese from Kosti to South Sudan
accusing the South Sudan Army (SPLA) of using them for transporting
troops and military equipment to its borders with Khartoum, a charge
the SPLA has outrightly refuted.

This decision comes at a time when there were going humanitarian
concerns in the South about the fate the big number of South Sudanese
that would be affected by the order.

Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, the minister for Information and
Broadcasting and the official spokesman of the government of the
Republic of South Sudan told the press early in the week that the
government was concerned about the unexpected humanitarian crisis as a
result of the governor’s decision.

According to the minister, the refugees’ movement had been restricted
and those who would disobey the orders were threatened with arrest.

Relations between Sudan and South Sudan worsened early last month when
South Sudan flashed out the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) who has been
occupying Sudan’s (Panthou) Heglig area of Unity State for six years.
SPLA accused them of using Panthou to launch attacks on its positions.

SPLA withdrew from the area ten days after the President Kiir in
search of peaceful resolution of the differences with Khartoum ordered
its withdrawal.

Reported by Matata Safi

Japan welcomes UNSC resolutions and AU roadmap
JUBA, 4 May 2012 (NASS) - The government of Japan has welcomed the
resolution passed by the UN Security Council and AU roadmap as a peace
forum between Sudan and South Sudan, the special representative of the
Japanese government to South Sudan Mr. Kazuo Chujo has said.

He said the ultimatum given by the United Nations Security Council
will help bring peace between the two countries of Sudan and its
neighbor South Sudan.

Mr. Chujo announced this yesterday shortly after meeting the minister
for Information and Broadcasting, Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin.

Dr Marial meeting the Japanese delegation.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

The minister appreciated the support made by the government of Japan
to see that there is peace in the young Republic of South Sudan.

He as well assured the government of Japan of full cooperation saying
that the Japanese engineering army contingent is safe and secure in
South Sudan.

Mr. Chujo also reiterated that Japan is committed to support South
Sudan further noting that they are working to realize peace, security
and stability.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency South Sudan (NASS)

Undersecretary calls for capacity building for trade unions
JUBA, 4 May 2012 - The Undersecretary for Labour in the Ministry of
Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Madam Hellen
Achiro, has urged the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and
international trade unions confederations to do more to build the
technical capacity of trade unions in South Sudan.

Madam Achiro said South Sudanese trade unions were working under
difficult circumstances because the country had just emerged from
conflict. Madam Achiro at the same time hailed the efforts made by
trade unions in re-organising themselves saying that most unions now
have a presence at both the state and national levels.

The Undersecretary said the Government of South Sudan has a strong
will to promote trade unions in the country in accordance with Section
25 of the Transitional Constitution which lays emphasis on the
freedoms of assembly and association.

She added that the government was currently in the process of
finalising the Labour Bill and the Trade Unions Bill which were the
products of tripartite negotiations between the government, ILO,
employers and the trade unions.

Madam Achiro said that once enacted the two bills would help promote
social dialogue and the resolution of labour disputes in the country.
She noted that the enactment of the Labour Bill would also facilitate
the establishment of a labour court which will specifically handle
industrial disputes in South Sudan.

Madam Hellen Achiro (centre) poses for a group photo with the trade unionists.

She disclosed that South Sudan was now a member of the ILO having been
admitted on April 13 this year. She called on the ILO to establish a
fully fledged office in Juba saying this would put it in a better
position to provide support in capacity building and other needs in
the labour.

The Undersecretary made these remarks yesterday when she received a
delegation of international trade unionists from the International
Trade Union Congress-Africa (ITUC-Africa), Solidarity Center and the
East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC) at the Ministry’s

The delegation was is on a three days familiarisation tour of South
Sudan Workers Trade Union Federation (SSWTU) and to acquaint itself
with labour issues in the country.

The delegation which was led by the Secretary General of ITUC-Africa,
Mr Kwasi Adu-Amankwah, included Mr Frederick Parry (ILO), Mr Emmanuel
Nzunda (EATUC Secretary General), Mr Mamadou Diallo (ITUC-Brussels
office) and Mr Claudio Francis (Finance Secretary, SSWTUF).

In his opening remarks, Mr Adu-Amankwah urged the government to
provide resources to the SSWTUF that will make trade unions more
effective in protecting the rights and interests of workers in South

Mr Adu-Amankwah especially said the SSWTUF requires a modern office
building in a good physical location which should also be equipped
with information and communication technology.

In response, Madam Achiro urged the unions to organise themselves and
inform the government of their actual needs, adding that they should
also ensure transparency in the way they manage their finances.

Reported by Alnour Ango and Simon Owaka

“The government is working to correct price inflations”, Dr Marial
JUBA, 4 May 2012 (NASS) – The minister for Information and
Broadcasting, who is also the official spokesperson of the government
of the Republic of South Sudan, Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin has said
that the government is working to correct the unnecessary price
increase in markets in the country.

“The increase in prices has been artificially created; there are
certain business groups within the country which are working to make
sure prices go up, but the government is forming clusters to see that
this exercise comes to an end”, explained the minister.

He said there is no reason why the prices increase in the markets
despite good marketing and commercial policies from the government.

Dr Marial during the interview.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

Dr Marial said the government has enough foreign currency in the
country that can bring commodities and essential needs that can
satisfy the demands of the public.

“We are giving nearly 50 million USD to commercial banks so as to
facilitate business in the country but the money is being mismanaged”,
he said.

He announced that the government through the Central Bank has decided
to produce letters of credit rather than giving cash to the commercial
banks so that the hard currencies are not diverted for other purposes.

Dr. Benjamin said this in an interview with Abu Dhabi national online
newspaper on Wednesday.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

Humanitarian situation of returnees may soon worsen
JUBA, 2 May 2012 - The humanitarian situation of thousands of South
Sudanese returnees who are stranded in Kosti on their way to South
Sudan may soon worsen after the decision of Khartoum government to
block aid workers from accessing the area.

Dr. Barnaba Marial Benjamin, the minister for Information and
Broadcasting said today that aid workers have been stopped from
providing humanitarian assistance to the returnees.

“We have been getting reports that nongovernmental organizations
including ADRA have been prevented from delivering aid services,” he
said. Dr. Marial also said food that was meant for the refugees have
been taken and their movement restricted.

Dr Marial addressing the press.
[Photo: Matata safi]

The governor of White Nile state Yusuf al-Shambali had earlier on
given seven days for South Sudanese in Kosti to leave saying their
presence in the area poses a security threat to the citizens of the
area. The seven-day deadline expires on Friday April 5th, which is
this week.

According to Drs Marial, the refugees’ movement has been restricted
and those who disobey the orders are threatened with arrest. He said
this was a serious humanitarian situation.

There are about 350, 000 South Sudanese living in makeshift shelters
in Kosti awaiting a trip by barge South of the White Nile to South
Sudan. The returnees are still in Kosti because the barges are owned
by Khartoum and only a few have been released to facilitate their
transport to the Republic of South Sudan.

Reported by Matata Safi

Governors urge Heglig issue be taken to International Court of Arbitration
JUBA, 2 May 2012 (NASS) – The former governors of Unity state have
today urged the government of the Republic of South Sudan to forward
the issue of Heglig the then Panthou to the International Court of

The governors made this call while briefing both international and
local journalists on the status of the disputed Heglig.

Dr Joseph Monytuil who governed Unity state from 2003-2005 said
Panthou has never been part of Sudan till the end of his time when the
two governments of Sudan and South Sudan signed the comprehensive
peace agreement.

He told the journalists that till his time Heglig (Panthou) was under
Pariang County, Unity state and revenues were being collected from
there for the state government.

Dr Monytuil displaying a document to the journalists.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

“Heglig (Panthou) belongs to Dinka of Panaru when we were
administering the state in 60s to 70s, we were collecting taxes from
it. But the problem there is wealth; we encounter problem with the
north, it is good that Heglig is taken for arbitration so that verdict
is passed accordingly so that everybody is satisfied”, explained the
predecessor Magok who administered the area from 2000-2002.

Meanwhile, Hon. Michael Mayil who also administered the area from 1995
asserted Panthou was part of Unity state saying that during his time
whenever there were elections people in Panthou participated fully.

“Heglig is not a contested area for South Sudan, even Bashir knows
this. Whenever Bashir came to Heglig he was hosted by Unity state
governor. How comes that it is in northern territory while Unity state
falls under South sudan”, asked the former governor.

Dr Marial, the minister for Information and Broadcasting addressing
the press together with the former governors.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

On the other hand one of the elders from the disputed area of Heglig,
Mr. Benjamin Majak explained that Panthou is a Dinka terminology
meaning balamite trees, so Heglig is only the translation of the word.

Mr. Benjamin further explained that Panthou is only a small place, a
Boma within Elim Payam of Pariang County Unity state.

However, the three ex-governors stated that they preferred the
disputed Heglig to be left for the International Court of Arbitration
though they sometimes don’t implement their decisions like what
happened with Abyei.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

The African Union welcomes the formal acceptance of the AU roadmap by
the Republic of South Sudan
ADDIS ABABA, 30 April 2012 - The Chairperson of the Commission of the
African Union (AU), Jean Ping, welcomes the formal acceptance by the
Government of the Republic of South Sudan of the Roadmap contained in
the communiqué adopted by the 319th meeting of the AU Peace and
Security Council (PSC), held at ministerial level, in Addis Ababa, on
24 April 2012, including the immediate cessation of hostilities with
Sudan, the immediate withdrawal of its police personnel from Abyei and
the resumption of negotiations.

The Chairperson of the Commission commends the Government of South
Sudan for responding promptly and positively to the call made by the
PSC. He stresses that this important decision will greatly contribute
to the efforts aimed at defusing tension between Sudan and South Sudan
and facilitating the resumption, under the auspices of the AU
High‐Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP), of negotiations between the
two countries and the early resolution of all outstanding issues in
their post‐secession relations.

The Chairperson of the Commission, who notes the reaffirmation by some
senior Sudanese officials of their country’s commitment to cooperate
with the AU‐led efforts, looks forward to the formal acceptance by the
Republic of Sudan of the Roadmap, so that steps can immediately be
taken towards its full operationalization.

The Chairperson of the Commission reiterates AU’s determination to
ensure the scrupulous implementation of all aspects of the AU Roadmap
as contained in the PSC communiqué, and emphasizes the need for the
Parties to extend full cooperation to this end, including the urgent
convening of a meeting of the Joint Political and Security Mechanism
(JPSM) to address the most pressing security matters. In the meantime,
he stresses the need for the Parties to refrain from any action
contrary to the letter and spirit of the Roadmap and likely to further
complicate the situation on the ground.

GOSS to improve working conditions in South Sudan
JUBA, 30 April 2012 - The Government of South Sudan is putting in
place measures to ensure that decent work environment is accorded to
all workers in South Sudan and that justice and dignity prevail at the

In his Labour Day message to all workers in South Sudan, the Minister
for Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development, Hon Kwong
Danhier Gatluak, said the draft Labour Bill is currently being
reviewed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) experts.

Hon Kwong said the Labour Bill would later be forwarded to the Council
of Ministers and the National Assembly for enactment into law.

The minister said that once enacted, the bill would safeguard the
rights and interests of workers at the workplace.

“My ministry is working towards an employment administrative system
not only to promote decent work for those seeking employment
opportunities in the country but also to streamline employment of
expatriates,” Hon Kwong said.

The minister hailed the ILO for the technical support it has accorded
so far to South Sudan on labour issues adding that he looked forward
to increased cooperation with ILO, donors, development partners and
other stakeholders in addressing the plight of workers in the country.

Hon Kwong said South Sudanese workers in all sectors had made their
contribution to help free the country from the evils of human bondage,
adding that their courage, resilience and determination would
transform the country into an affluent and prosperous nation, the
ultimate dream of all South Sudanese.

“On the occasion of International Labour Day, I wish to congratulate
all the workers of this great nation on whose toil and sweat, the
economic development of this country is dependent,” he said.

And in her congratulatory message to all workers in South Sudan on the
first occasion of Labour Day in the country, the Undersecretary for
Labour in the Ministry, Madam Hellen Achiro Lotara, praised the
immense contribution of workers to the development of the country.

She said the government was aware of the many challenges faced by
workers in their workplaces, adding that the government was committed
to promoting better working conditions through enhanced social
dialogue between workers, employers and the government.

Madam Hellen said the Ministry receives on regular basis complaints
revolving around working hours, unfair dismissals and overtime. She
said that under labour laws any one hour done by a worker over the
weekends and public holidays should be paid in the equivalent of two

“Together we will contribute to a better working environment and
development of the nation,” she said.

She said that Tuesday, May 1, 2012 would be a resting day for all
workers because Labour Day is regarded internationally as a holiday.
She said that because of the current austerity measures there would be
no official function to mark the day.

Reported by Alnour Ango and Simon Owaka

"Khartoum is dodging demarcation for fear of losing contested areas", Dr Marial
JUBA 30 April 2012 (NASS) - The minister for Information and
Broadcasting who is the official spokesperson of the Government of
South Sudan, Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin has said the government in
Khartoum is dodging the demarcation of borders for fear of losing the
contested areas.

Dr Marial said this today while briefing CCTV, the Chinese national
television on the meaning of the President’s visit to China.

He said these contested areas of Panthou (Heglig) and Abyei were part
of South Sudan according to 1/1/1956 map. He explained that they only
became disputed areas when petroleum was discovered in them in 1978.

He said it is unfortunate that the government in Khartoum is up to now
claiming that Heglig, then known as Panthou, as part of its territory
adding that the claim is not true. He said that the name of the area
and its inhabitants is Dinka. He said there is nothing that can
identify this particular area as belonging to Sudan.

Dr Marial reiterated that the government believes the issue of Panthou
can be solved through dialogue and not war saying that war can’t solve

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

South Sudan actors to attend Shakespearean festival in London
JUBA, 27 April 2012 (NASS) – South Sudanese cast of Cymbeline to leave
for London on Shakespearean festival which has been organized to
precede the forthcoming London Olympic Games in the summer of this

This was revealed by the minister for Culture, Youth and Sports, Dr
Cirino Hiteng while introducing the cast of Cymbeline to the media

In the press conference that was organized under the theme “taking
South Sudan to globe: Shakespeare from the newest nation”, the
minister said the cast will be performing their play in Juba-Arabic.

Dr Hiteng addressing the media.
[Photo: Ajang Monychol]

Dr Hiteng said South Sudan is not destined for war as news has been
painting negative images about South Sudan in the past weeks but it is
the northern neighbor causing that due to independence South Sudan
attained last year.

He as well appealed to the youth to dedicate their energies towards
the building of the new nation saying that no amount of negative
persuasion should discount the focus on development.

According to the co-director of this performance, Mr. Joseph Abuk they
selected this Cymbeline play because the story it holds resembles the
current situation between Sudan and south Sudan.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

Non-oil revenues increases by 40%
JUBA, 27 April 2012 (NASS) – The non-oil revenues has increased by 40%
in the first quarter of this year in comparison to the first quarter
of 2011, the deputy minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Dr
Marial Awou has said.

Briefing the press on the progress in austerity measures, the minister
said, his ministry has seen substantial increase in revenue
collections since the first quarter of 2011.

Dr Awou said the increase was SSP 28.501 million compared to the first
quarter of 2012 which is SSP 120.213 million.

He as well said the ministry of finance at the national level has
reached an agreement with the states on centralized collection of
taxes which ensures that states will no longer create roadblocks and
checkpoints to collect taxes.

The deputy minister explained that the states will only get their
share from the central government based on their consumption level as
from 10th of May this year.

In the same conference, the ministry signed a memorandum of
understanding on the transfer of revenue collection at the
international borders from taxations to customs services noting that
only taxation will control internal revenues.

He stressed that the directorate of customs will be the only body
responsible of border revenues as from today.

Reported by Martin Jada Gabriel, News Agency of South Sudan (NASS)

H.E Kiir: opening of RSS Embassy in Beijing signal to a new page with China
BEIJING, 24 April 2012 - The President of the Republic H.E Gen. Salva
Kiir Mayardit on Tuesday April 24th, 2012 inaugurated the Republic of
South Sudan Embassy in Beijing the capital of People’s Republic of
China. That was in presence of diplomats of foreign missions
accredited to the Peoples’ Republic of China.

H.E Kiir opens RSS Embassy in Beijing.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

In his opening remarks, President of the Republic said the Republic of
South Sudan’s Embassy in China is a signal to a new chapter for the
people and the governments of the two countries. The Embassy will
serve to strengthen bilateral relationship with China and South Sudan
looks forward to seeing favorable development of relations for the
mutual benefit of the two countries in the fields of trade, economy,
technology, people to people contacts on business opportunities as
well as tourism.

The Republic of South Sudan’s minister for Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial said the inauguration
of South Sudan’s Embassy in Beijing as the first South Sudan Embassy
to be opened by the President of the Republic outside Africa, shows
the importance of the increasing role being played by China in the
international affairs.

New RSS Embassy in Beijing.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

Hon Nhial expressed gratitude to China for the generous financial
donations which made opening of the embassy possible and to enable the
embassy to be functional. Hon. Nhial also appreciated China for the
capacity building support they provide to the Republic of South
Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as
part of the overall support to the new state.

The Chinese vice minister Foreign Affairs Mr. Zhang Zhijun emphasized
that China is ready to provide support to the new nation of South
Sudan and that the inauguration of South Sudan Embassy in Beijing
sowed a seed of a strong friendship between China and South Sudan. Mr
Zhang Zhijun appreciated the efforts of the young nation’s leadership
in achieving a remarkable progress in national development, stability
and reconciliation.

Reported by Thomas Kenneth

President Kiir meets his Chinese counterpart H.E Hu Jintao
BEIJING, 25 April 2012 - The President of the Republic H.E Gen. Salva
Kiir Mayardit on Tuesday April 24th, 2012 evening at Peoples’ Great
Hall in Beijing met his Chinese counterpart H.E Hun Jintao. The
meeting primarily centered on the bilateral relationship with China,
South Sudan’s relationship in the region including the current
tensions between Juba and Khartoum and the contributions China can
provide as a partner to the two disputing states to reduce the
tensions between them.

H.E Kiir meets his Chinese counterpart H.E Hu Jintao.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

According to the minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial,
President Kiir during the meeting emphasized the position of the
Republic of South Sudan to find solutions for the outstanding issues
through a peaceful dialogue. H.E Kiir also said South Sudan is
committed to maintain and develop the existing goodwill and friendship
with China. Hon Nhial added that President Kiir appreciated President
Hu Jintao for facilitating the establishment of South Sudan’s embassy
in China.

H.E Hu reiterated his continuous support to the Republic of South
Sudan and promised to send experts in the field of Agriculture,
Health, Energy and Telecommunication to South Sudan. H.E Hu also urged
RSS to continue seeking peaceful resolutions on the outstanding issues
for China wants the fighting to stop and settle the disputes through
negotiations. President Hu said “The priority at the moment is to act
in concert with international efforts and stop military conflict along
the border areas”.

H.E Kiir and Hu Jintao inspecting a military parade.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

The two presidents after the meeting witnessed the signing ceremony of
six agreements on different developmental projects including political
consultations, economic and technical cooperation. Financing for
improvement of Juba International Airport and building of Juba Bridge
on the River Nile and humanitarian aid were among the agreements.

Reported by Thomas Kenneth

“CNPC infrastructure can be compensated through oil industry in RSS”,
President Kiir
BEIJING, 25 April 2012 - President of the Republic H.E Gen. Salva Kiir
Mayardit in his important visit to China met with the President of
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Mr. Jiang Jiemin. The
meeting narrowed the wide gap between CNPC and the government of the
Republic of South Sudan.

That was after the assurance made by the President to the CNPC
authorities that South Sudan is not ready to export its oil again
through Port Sudan, for the existing oil dispute with Khartoum besides
that President El-Bashir has declared that South Sudan oil will not
pass again through his territories.

H.E Kiir and delegation in meeting with CNPC administration.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

President Kiir assured that the RSS is committed to maintaining and
developing the existing goodwill and developmental friendship with
China. He explained that the CNPC oil infrastructure can be
compensated through oil industry in South Sudan. President Kiir also
assured that CNPC and the interest of China in South Sudan will be
protected. President Kiir welcomed Chinese oil companies to take part
in the development of the alternative pipeline construction project.

CNPC President Mr. Jiang Jiemin expressed gratitude for the assurance
made by the President and said CNPC is ready to contribute in
developing South Sudan economic resources. CNPC looks forward to
establishing RSS own production facilities and restoring of the

H.E Kiir shakes hands with Vice Premier of China Mr. Li Keqiang.
[Photo: Thomas Kenneth]

In another development, President Kiir addressed Peking University
students in Beijing and briefed them on the existing relationship
between South Sudan and China, the current oil dispute between Juba
and Khartoum and how the people of South Sudan achieved their
independence in July 9th, 2011. H.E Kiir also discussed the bilateral
and practical cooperation between RSS and China with Vice Premier of
China Mr. Li Keqiang and with Mr. Wu Bangguo, the chairman of the
standing committee of the National Peoples’ Congress.

Reported by Thomas Kenneth

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