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From: "IRIN" <he...@irinnews.org>
Date: Sep 12, 2017 13:02
Subject: Libya's migration crisis is about more than just security ...
To: "ElisabethJanaina" <elisabethjana...@gmail.com>

Today's humanitarian news and analysis

*Online version
Libya's migration crisis is about more than just security

There’s no shortage of news on Libya’s migration crisis, but there is a
serious dearth of policy solutions.

Late last month, the International Organization for Migration announced
what passes for good news at the moment: no deaths on the Mediterranean for
20 days. This followed reports
later denied
that Italy had been paying militias to prevent people from leaving Libya’s

But the risk of drowning is far from the only danger facing migrants
attempting the central Mediterranean route into Europe. Migrants are
subject to arbitrary detention, arrest, harassment, bonded labour, slavery,
and sexual exploitation.

And even as drowning numbers are down, IOM says there has been an increase
in trafficking
rather than smuggling on the central Mediterranean route – the former
distinguished by the coercion and extortion that continues after arrival at
the destination. This trend is partly because fewer Syrians (and migrants
in general) are making the journey, so those plying the route are seeking
ways to keep profits up – sub-Saharan African women appear to be paying a
horrible price in this shift, finding themselves forced into the sex
industry in greater numbers.

Human rights groups, humanitarians, and governments are naturally
concerned, but some rights advocates feel the anti-trafficking policies of
the European Union and others are more aimed at stopping migration entirely.

“The war on traffickers has been something that – time and time again –
when politicians find themselves with the backs to the wall, they reach
to,” Mark Micallef, a specialist researcher on the subject at the Global
Initiative Against Transnational and Organized Crime, told IRIN.

Fighting trafficking or fighting migration?

The EU’s Operation Sophia
which aims to disrupt the business model of human smuggling and trafficking
networks, in part by taking apart the boats themselves, has come under fire
for muddling the fight on traffickers and smugglers with stopping migration

“Trying to stop slavery at the point of destroying boats in the middle of
the Mediterranean doesn’t actually help people,” Claire Seaward,
humanitarian campaign and advocacy manager at Oxfam, told IRIN. “As we are
seeing, migrants will just use different types of boats. They used to be on
large wooden boats and now they are on inflatable dinghies."

Tim Eaton, a research fellow with the Middle East and North Africa
programme at Chatham House, believes one of Operation Sophia’s major flaws
is looking at migration – and migrants – through a one-dimensional lens,
when it’s really about so much more, like economics and hope
“On a policy level, the problem comes when you look at this solely as a
security problem,” Eaton told IRIN.

Disposable Africans - migration and its consequences

Securing borders and clamping down on criminals including traffickers may
be useful in some respects, but it won’t stop desperate migrants from
coming, nor does it take into account the dangers they face while inside

Limited options

But there don’t seem to be a whole lot of viable alternatives, especially
when many parts of Libya are so dangerous it’s impractical to put aid
workers on the ground.

Where NGOs can help is in assisting suspected trafficking victims and
training law enforcement officers and emergency responders. Annemarie Loof,
operations manager at Médecins Sans Frontières, said the charity gives
“[migrants in Libya] a telephone number they can call anywhere from Europe.
We talk to them about trafficking and the sex industry. We flag it to the
[Italian] authorities.”

Izabella Cooper, spokeswoman for EU border agency Frontex, said it has
trained staff to recognise signs of people-trafficking on the ships it
deploys as part of Operation Triton, the EU naval mission that backstops
Italy’s own rescue operations. “In many cases these girls do not know they
are being trafficked,” Cooper told IRIN. “Many of these girls have no idea
what they are heading for.”

Fernando Calero/MSF
Smugglers have increased the number of migrants they pack into a boat,
making the journey even more dangerous

But the reality is that many migrants are also not trafficked, at least not
technically. They leave their homes by choice – driven by a variety of
factors including poverty and conflict – and are now stuck in Libya’s
detention centres, trapped in what MSF called, in an open letter published
7 September, “a thriving enterprise of kidnapping, torture and extortion”.

Andre Heller Perache, head of programmes at MSF UK, described the abuse in
detention centres as “borderline between human smuggling and trafficking”,
a “weird system of exploitation”.

To give migrants a chance to escape the abuse, IOM offers voluntary
repatriations: It sent 2,775
people home from Libya last year and is aiming for 10,000 in 2017.

Loof at MSF believes voluntary repatriation can be a welcome option for
those trapped in the country’s crime-ridden detention centres, but stressed
this point: “I am against arbitrary detention to begin with.”

IOM runs training sessions inside some of the detention centres aiming at
introducing the staff to the principles of human rights. Maysa Khalil, one
of the programme officers, told IRIN she had seen an improvement in health
and hygiene awareness in the centres after the training. However, she
admitted that the migrants don’t report abuse while they’re still trapped
in the centre so it’s difficult to accurately measure the programme’s
impact. Plus, IOM has no access to detention centres run by Libya’s many

Too much faith in training programmes like these would be misplaced in a
situation where migrants desperately need help now, according to Sherine El
Taraboulsi-McCarthy, a research fellow with the Humanitarian Policy Group
at the Overseas Development Institute. Changing attitudes towards human
rights, she told IRIN, “will take time, maybe a decade”.

Chatham House’s Eaton agreed. “[The training programmes] are certainly
valuable,” he said. “But, you’ve got armed groups that are making
significant income off of it. Just telling them that they need to respect
people’s rights is not going to change people’s minds. So, that’s a


Eaton said what’s often lost in the discussion of smuggling and trafficking
is money. “People still have to survive,” he said, and that should be taken
into account in policy decisions.

[image: Men in the back of a truck]
Tom Wescott/IRIN
Migrants travel across the Libyan desert from the border with Niger

In the south of the war-torn country, moving human beings around and the
extortion that involves – often across borders – has become big business. A
recent report from the International Crisis Group points out that European
governments have turned their attention to the economic development of the
south in an attempt to control people trafficking

An EU official familiar with an Italian development project in the south
told an ICG researcher: “if you want to peel away people from the human
trafficking business you need to co-opt them and to do so you must buy them

But the people trade generates such high profits and supports so many
people that those involved are unlikely to give it up, even if offered
alternative sources of employment.

Humanitarian agencies and development organisations are wary of methods to
control migration, or trafficking, through development. Take Oxfam’s
Seaward, who questions European motivations. “The EU is very keen to do
work which is about livelihoods to stop migration. That’s something we’d be
quite critical about. [It should be] about development [for development’s
sake], not about [stopping] migration.”

For many aid organisations, the best way forward would be to open more
legal channels for migration, including humanitarian visas.

“Anti-trafficking measures are not useful,” said Arezo Malakooti, an
independent researcher and author of several recent IOM reports. “The way
to combat the horrific trafficking stories that are happening is to create
legal avenues for migration – and any other way has missed the point.”


Analysis <http:///analysis> Aid and Policy <http:///aid-and-policy>
Migration <http:///migration> Human Rights <http:///human-rights> Politics
and Economics <http:///politics-and-economics> Libya's migration crisis is
about more than just security Charlotte Bailey
<http:///authors/charlotte-bailey> IRIN <http:///byline/irin> LONDON
<http:///publication-location/london> Niger
<http:///afrique/afrique-de-louest/niger> Europe <http:///europe> Italy
<http:///europe/italy> European Union <http:///european-union> Middle East
and North Africa <http:///middle-east-and-north-africa> Libya

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