Should We Blame Ordinary Citizens for the Problems Facing South Sudan?
Posted: September 12, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël in Commentary, Contributing
Writers, Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Junub Sudan, Opinion Articles, Opinion

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By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

September 12, 2017 (SSB) — Under the International law, all the States
have the Responsibility to protect their citizens as well as those who
are by law and by facts residing within the States.  The state
sovereignty that provides the State with immunity from any external
interference imposes the duty on the states to protect all people
within her territories.

It is in relation to the above that we have a general rule, which
provides that the state has a responsibility to protect. Therefore,
the failure to perform the duty to protect can allow the international
community to intervene to protect citizens on behalf of the State. The
above general was further explained by the Report of the International
Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty of December 2001,
which discusses basic principles that constitute the State sovereignty
and the duty to protect citizens and consequences of the failure to
perform the duty to protect.

According to that report, the core principles underlying
responsibility to protect are: The first principle is that state
sovereignty implies responsibility, and the primary responsibility for
the protection of its people lies with the state itself and where a
population within the State is suffering serious harm, as a result of
internal war, insurgency, repression or state failure, and the state
in question is unwilling or unable to halt or avert it, then, the
principle of non-intervention as provided for under the Article 2 (4)
of the UN Charter 1945, yields to the international responsibility to
intervene and protect the citizens of that country of her behalf.

In respect to South Sudan, South Sudan being sovereign as provided for
under Article 1(1) of the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of
South Sudan, 2011 gives South Sudan responsibility to protect her
citizens.  In fact, as Article 2 provides that the sovereignty of
South Sudan is vested in the people. Since it is vested in the people
South Sudan has a duty to exercise it democratically to ensure the
welfare of the people through its democratic and representative
institutions established by the Transition Constitution of 2011and
other laws in place.

In order to ensure that people are protected effectively internally
and externally and against each other they agreed to give South Sudan
and her authorities, sovereignty and all the instruments of power
through social contract as provided for under Article 9 of the
Transitional Constitution of South Sudan of 2011.

Article 9 (1) provides that the Bill of Rights is a covenant among the
people of South Sudan and between them and their government at every
level and a commitment to respect and promote human rights and
fundamental freedoms enshrined in this Constitution; it is the
cornerstone of social justice, equality, and democracy. It follows
that people agreed among themselves during the formation of South
Sudan how they can be managed and then, in turn, agreed with the State
to implement their agreement.

Based on the above agreement between the State and the people, it
implies that South Sudan does not have the option but to implement the
covenant or agreement in accordance with its letters as a matter of
necessity to avoid chaos and anarchies within its territory.

Moreover, South Sudan responsibility to protect gives it leverage and
State power to protect citizens by using all possible means including
military intervention where it is necessary to do so. In the same way,
the principle of the responsibility to protect also gives South Sudan
a duty to give full assistance to the communities affected by war to
ensure their speedy and quick recovery, reconstruction and
reconciliation through addressing the causes of the harm.

 The discussion responsibility to protect above points to the fact
that South Sudan has a responsibility to protect all South Sudanese
and other people residing within her territories. The reason for
imposing a duty to protect in South Sudan is not hard to find. South
Sudan like any other State has the monopoly of power and force at her

The monopoly of force and how to use it has made some scholars to
define the State as the legitimate use of force. For this reason, all
the States including South Sudan have the discretion to control the
crime and judge how such crime should be punished criminal depending
on the seriousness of the crime.

The above discussion takes us to our original question is that: Should
We Blame Ordinary Citizens for the Problems Facing South Sudan? The
answer is simple we should not blame them at all. The reasons for not
blaming ordinary citizens of South Sudan are many but for the purpose
of this discussion, they are among others include:

First, the government of South Sudan has sole responsibility to
protect citizens of South Sudan and because of that, it must manage
the country like the responsible government. This is because the
government is given all resources and other instruments of power by
the citizens. For instance, South Sudan is given permission by the
citizens to take control of the army, police and military police,
national security, guns, both small and big, jet fighters, tanks and
all cars.

 In addition, South Sudan has the right to collect taxes as she wishes
to maintain security and control over the country. South Sudan has
also the power and if she wishes, she can to execute any person in
accordance with the law or without the law, which the ordinary citizen
cannot do without being charged with murder.

The government of South Sudan has the right to call upon any country
to help her in controlling the situation that appears to be out of the
country as it was the case when the South Sudanese Government invited
Ugandan Government to send her troops to quell the uprising of the
White Army in Northern Part of South Sudan.

However, despite the explanation above that shows that the Government
is the only one responsible to protect citizens, it is sad to still
some people including the government officials blaming ordinary
citizens for the rampant problems facing the country. Blaming citizens
for the clear failure of the government to exercise her duty to manage
the country including the responsibility to protect is unacceptable.

The cause of the problems of South Sudan is the failure of central
authority to control the situations and instead folds its hands and
begins crying like the other ordinary citizens without power. The
problems of South Sudan are a result due to the leadership crisis that
is exhibited both at national and State level. There is no strong
leader in South Sudan currently.

In summary, the Government has abrogated her responsibility to protect
the citizens of South Sudan. It is the primary role of the government
to use all means to protect citizens.

The Author is a lawyer by profession; he graduated with honors in law
from Makerere University, School of Law. He participated in various
workshops and training in community mobilization in awareness of their
constitutional rights in Uganda. He is the member of Public Interest
Law Clinic (PILAC) and NETPIL (Network of Public Interest Lawyers) at
Makerere University; he is currently doing research with NETPIL on
private prosecution; he is trained in Alternative Dispute Resolution
(ADR); he participated in writing Street Law Handbook on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights in Uganda. He is practicing with Onyango
and Company Advocates Bunga—Ggaba, Road Kampala He is currently
staying in Kampala Uganda where he is undertaking bar course training.
He can be reached through or +256784806333.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The
veracity of any claim made is the responsibility of the author, not
PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to
submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material
before publication. Please include your full name, email address and
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