Broken Promise: Freedom of Speech is buried alive in South Sudan.
September 10, 2017 Nyamilepedia Leave a comment 

By James Tot Mathiang,


Sept 10, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —– What is freedom mean to South Sudanese
after the bitter fruit of civil-war, which began in 1955, and ended in
2005? Two years after the independence, South Sudanese returned to a
brutal civil war that resulted in the death of tens of thousands and
displacement of over 2 million people across the country. The United
Nation reports that South Sudan conflict has killed tens of thousands
of people and two million people have fled the country. Also in the
report, the UN estimates that six million people, or half the
population, are severely food insecure. The Human Rights Watch and the
United Nation Mission in South Sudan re-counted that Government
soldiers killed, raped, and tortured civilians as well as destroying
and pillaging civilian property during counterinsurgency operations
across the country.

When the level of crimes was begun to rise from corner to corner in
South Sudan and the dictatorship like government started to suppress
the media, the question of whether it was a right choice to separate
from Sudan became a heated debate. One of these arguments was that the
number of civilians killed by armed groups after the comprehensive
Peace Agreement or CPA was higher than the number killed by Arabs in
the Northern Sudan.  Some South Sudanese expressed disappointment and
regretted voting for separation because they believe that Salva Kiir’s
government is far worse than the old government in Khartoum. The
central point of the debate was the brutality of the South Sudan
National Security personnel. Some individuals specifically pointed out
that the number kills every day in cold blood by Bahr El Ghazal
security agents are not counted for. Therefore, South Sudanese wanted
the president to preserve democracy as he always talks about it. But
the first thing the dictator did after the independence was to shut
down the press, and attempted to silence his critics through
kidnapping and assassination. Even though the freedom of expression is
the basic part of human life, the so called national security agents”
have declared war against the people who advocate for peace and
freedom in the country.  One of those peace advocates was Isaiah
Abraham.  Mr. Abraham was too vocal about human rights abuses and
suppression of the press in South Sudan. Because Abraham believed in
freedom of speech, he was kidnapped and killed in cold blood.

Social scientists believe that freedom of expression is a fundamental
human right which is a precondition to the enjoyment of all rights.
But where freedom of expression is suppressed, other human rights
violations follow. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights stated publicly that “everyone has the right to freedom of
opinion and expression”. And this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without intrusion and to seek, receive, and pass on
information and ideas through any type of media. However, the rise of
the totalitarian regime in South Sudan has a contradictory
self-motivated. The attempt by the president Salva Kiir to control
South Sudan wealth and power eradicates all the rights and freedoms
South Sudanese had been fighting for.

Currently, the government of South Sudan takes a complete control of
the media and  makes it into a tool for conveying tribal ideology.
Since the war broke out in 2013, many journalists were killed and
others are jailed for life. For example, in 2016, James Gatdet Dak one
of the well-known journalists in East Africa was kidnapped in Kenya by
South Sudan security and he is now in a Devil house called “Blue
House”. That security house is run by notorious security agents in the
capital city of South Sudan. In early 2017, two South Sudanese human
rights activists who lived in Kenya as refugees were once again
kidnapped by South Sudanese security operatives and their where about
is still unknown. Samuel Dong Luak, who was a human right lawyer and
activist survived the first kidnapping attempt back in 2015. President
Salva Kiir and the minister of information Michael Makuei Lueth
attempt to control thought and principles through misinformation,
intimidation of assassination, arrest, and firing. Recently, Michael
Makuei Lueth blocked some media outlets that includes Nyamilepedia,
Sudan Tribune, Radio Tamazuj and other media houses because South
Sudan government does not want the world to know about the ongoing
genocide in the country. The recent killing of young American
Journalist has shown the reality of life under the dictatorship.
Without respect to the deceased family and relatives, Michael Makuei
Lueth, the South Sudan Minister of information called the young
American journalist “Criminal and White rebel”. Makuei Lueth not only
disrespect the deceased family, but he blocked the effort to
investigate the circumstances that led to the killing of that young

Thomas Jefferson once said “when the people fear the government, there
is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty”.
The freedom of expression has been described as fundamental to the
liberty to develop and discuss ideas in the search for reality and
understanding freedom of individuals, and effective participation in
the political life of a free country. In other hands, human beings
regard freedom of speech as a fundamental concept in contemporary
modest democracy, where it is implicit to block government
restrictions. Though we all know that we are not free to do unlawful
things or physically harm someone, if we are free, then we have the
right to express all our ideas without fear of being arrested, kill or
legally prosecuted. For the last three years, President Salva Kiir’s
has intensified his war against his political opponents, as well as
journalists, Human Right activists and ordinary citizens who are
skeptical of the claim of democracy in South Sudan.

The brutal killing of Isaiah Abraham and the ongoing genocide in the
country are the greatest signs that our rights and freedoms have been
reduced to zero. The tyranny government makes the life in South Sudan
quite unpleasant for many of us. In any democratic society, the
relationships between people and government are based on varying
levels of trust. True trust always involves honesty, integrity, and
honor. Since our president has never honor what he says, or deliver
what he promises and act in an honest and open manner, the general
public does not trust Salva Kiir’s government anymore.  Thomas
Jefferson also stated, “No man can acquire honor by doing what is
wrong”. South Sudan president and his advisors have forsaken honesty,
integrity, and honor in the pursuit of earthly materials by any mean
possible. If those politicians from Bahr El Ghazal advising Salva Kiir
continue to give in to the ills of greed and payoffs for favors, the
worst downfall of freedom and liberty is all but guaranteed.

The Author is a South Sudanese Canadian, who has written a lot of
articles pertaining to South Sudan Civil-War. And you can reach the
author at

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