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Date: Sep 14, 2017 18:47
Subject: Pambazuka News 838: Reflections on Kenya
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Pambazuka News 838: Reflections on Kenya

14  September 2017

CONTENTS: 1. Features <http://www.pambazuka.net/en/issue.php/current/#cat_1>
  2. Announcements <http://www.pambazuka.net/en/issue.php/current/#cat_3>

Reflections on Kenya: Whose capital, whose state?
Yash Tandon <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/5272>
Following the bungled presidential election, Kenya is heading to a repeat
poll on 17 October. Regardless of the outcome, the election will not
resolve the country's deep neo-colonial contradictions. Progressive forces
must consider building a socialist Revolution to bring about democratic
control of the means of production and a fair system of the distribution of
the fruits of labour for the benefit of all.

Petition showed presidential poll was a criminal venture
Ndii <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/8880>
Kenya’s presidential election was massively rigged in favour of the
incumbent. The evidence presented during the successful petition at the
Supreme Court showed that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries
Commission (IEBC) was entirely infiltrated and its systems commandeered by
regime elements to procure a fraudulent win for Uhuru Kenyatta.

Kenya: Open letter to EU Chief Observer Marietje Schaake
Elderkin <https://www.pambazuka.org/author/sarah-elderkin>
The Kenyan presidential election that was overturned by the Supreme Court
has raised serious questions about the agendas of foreign election
observers. Many of the observers were quick to give the poll a clean bill
of health – even urging opposition leader Raila Odinga to concede. Now they
are facing credibility crisis. The European Union’s Marietje Schaake has
been trying to save face.

A letter to President Kenyatta—cc the IEBC
Cottrell Ghai and Yash Pal Ghai

The incumbent in an election has many opportunities to use state resources
unlike the opposition. That is why the Constitution and election laws
insist on creating a level playing field. But some of the campaign
activities of Uhuru Kenyatta have beached the law. A president re-elected
on the basis of the special position, immunities, impunities and privileges
cannot really command the respect of all citizens and others.

Africa’s democracy outgrows foreign preaching
Bashir Goth <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/8420>

Kenya’s historic Supreme Court decision nullifying a presidential election,
the first in Africa, is a slap in the face of the priestly international
observers who for so long remained the self-appointed custodians of
democracy in Africa without whose verdict and blessings Africa couldn’t
conduct a genuine election.

Kenya’s Supreme Court ruling and democratic consolidation in Africa
Paul Ejime <https://www.pambazuka.org/author/paul-ejime>
The historic ruling raises a number of fundamental questions on the
capacity of electoral management bodies in Africa to conduct free, fair,
transparent, credible and peaceful elections; the deployment of new
technology in the electoral process; functions of poll observers, and the
role of the judiciary in the continents’s democratic consolidation.

Rwanda’s brave women leaders expose Kagame’s inhuman character
Theogene Rudasingwa <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/8267>

Rwanda is often highlighted globally for its large numbers of women in
elective politics. But those are women who only sing Paul Kagame’s praises.
Dianne Rwigara and Victoire Ingabire are different. They have exposed the
inhuman, fearful and anti-African character of Kagame and his regime. These
fearless freedom fighters challenge Rwandans and Africans to resist despots
and their foreign backers.

Victoire Ingabire in danger as Kagame cracks down hard in Rwanda
Ann Garrison <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/5282>

Fresh from “winning” 99% of the vote in August, Rwanda’s ruler Paul Kagame
has turned his wrath on the opposition. Several people have been arrested
in recent days. Anne Garrison spoke to Joseph Bukeye, an officer of jailed
politician Victoire Ingabire's FDU-Inkingi party in Brussels, Belgium.

Struggles against neo-colonial regime cause postponement of Israel-Africa
Summit in Togo
*Millions oppose the continuation of successive Gnassingbe administrations
after five decades* Abayomi Azikiwe
The Gnassingbe family, backed by France, has ruled Togo for 50 years.
Popular protests organized by opposition leaders in recent weeks have
threatened the regime and forced the cancellation of a summit sponsored by
Israel. The apartheid rulers in Tel Aviv are keen to consolidate their
power in Africa to cut off any support from the continent for liberation of
the Palestinian people.

Egypt’s Power Game: Why Cairo is Boosting its Military Power
Shama <https://www.pambazuka.org/author/nael-shama>
Recent spending patterns in Egypt pose a dilemma. While experiencing the
worst economic crisis in decades, which involves a dwindling of resources,
a sharp currency devaluation and an acute shortage of foreign exchange,
levels of military spending in Egypt have dramatically increased. How can
the two trends be reconciled? Why would a cash-strapped government spend
massively on guns when its population of 90 million needs more bread and
jobs and services?

China “means business” when it talks of an “ecological civilization”
Cameron Duodu <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/6674>
China is totally committed to environmental protection through its policy
of ecological civilization. But how come Chinese authorities seem not to
care about their own citizens involved in illegal artisanal mining that is
causing environmental devastation in Ghana?

What Cuba can teach America about freedom
T.D. Harper-Shipman <https://www.pambazuka.org/author/td-harper-shipman> PhD

With respect to Cuba, the American conception of “nothing” is not
understood in conventional economic terms, but through a liberal rendition
of freedom. With this version of freedom comes a set of values that if not
perpetuated, suggest an un-freedom worse than access to a livable life. In
this country, we value freedom to fail and struggle more than the right to
a standard in our quality of life.

Nuke you too! No more imperialist and super power exceptionalism!
*North Korea has every right to pursue their self-defense in any way they
see fit*
All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party

Today the US threatens North Korea with a first strike. North Korea has
every right to say we will, "Nuke you too!" in self-defense. Apparently
this is the foreign policy of every permanent member of the UN Security
Council. They are all nuclear powers that have not disarmed. And the U.S.
recently walked out of UN talks on the matter. They have also proposed to
update and renovate their arsenal.

NGO regulation bill: A grave danger to Nigeria’s democracy
Various <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/8643>

Leading figures from the Nigerian and global academia, media, civil
society, law and multi-national organizations from Africa, Asia, Europe,
and North America have today called on Nigeria to withdraw the NGO
Regulatory Commission Bill currently being considered by the National
Assembly (federal parliament). Here is their full statement:

Archbishop Tutu begs for an end to violence in Myanmar
Desmond Tutu <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/5197>

The South African anti-apartheid icon and Nobel Peace laureate Archbishop
Desmond Tutu has called on Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi to end the
violence against her country’s Rohingya Muslim minority.

Pambazuka Android App is now on Google Play Store
As a way to reach more people and to make your experience with Pambazuka
News better, we have developed an android app as another tool to create a
better reading experience with mobile devices. The app will have periodic
updates to cater for changing readers' requirements and experiences.to
cater for changing readers' requirements and experiences.
App download Link



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Henry Makori and Tidiane Kasse - Editors, Pambazuka News

Yves Niyiragira - Executive Director, Fahamu

*Websites: Fahamu.org <http://www.fahamu.org>, Pambazuka.org
Pambazuka News is a publication of FAHAMU

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