Lack of ideology caused South Sudan’s conflict, says Museveni

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September 19, 2017 (JUBA) – Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has
attributed the civil war in South Sudan to “lack of ideology”.

JPEG - 26.2 kb
Ugandan leader Yoweri Museveni speaks at the national dialogue launch
in South Sudan, May 22, 2017 (PPU photo)

Museveni, The New Vision reported, blamed South Sudanese politicians
for pushing forward identity politics while forgetting the interests
of the people and that he was working to unite the different factions
of the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

“Identity is important but it should not be promoted at the expense of
the common interests of the people. Even Uganda was a failed state but
was rescued by a student movement that taught people to forget about
identity politics,” he said.

Museveni, in New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly,
held a meeting on Monday with the United States ambassador to the UN,
Nikki Haley whom he briefed about the security situation in South
Sudan, Burundi and Somalia.

During the meeting, however, the Ugandan leader reportedly stressed
the need to unite the various SPLM factions and that he was mediating
the talks aimed at uniting the SPLM as the Ethiopian Prime Minister
works on the process seeking to unite other political parties.

An average of over 1,800 South Sudanese, the UN refugee agency says,
fled to Uganda daily in the past year. The influx has become the
fastest growing refugee crisis in the world, with 85% of the refugees
in Uganda said to be women and children below 18.

In addition to the million refugees now hosted by Uganda, more than
million other South Sudanese refugees are in Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries.

Meanwhile, the US ambassador to the UN reportedly commended Museveni
and his administration for hosting the more than one million South
Sudanese refugees and supporting reform efforts in Somalia.

“Uganda has been a good example on what it means to take in refugees.
US offers its support as you continue to do that,” said Haley.

Uganda’s representative to the UN, Adonia Ayebare, foreign affairs
minister Sam Kuteesa, the state minister for international affairs,
Henry Okello Oryem and the Uganda ambassador to the US, Mull Katende
attended Monday’s meeting.

South Sudan’s civil war is a conflict in South Sudan between
government troops and the armed opposition forces. In December 2013,
President Salva Kiir accused his former deputy Riek Machar and 10
others of attempting a coup d’état. The conflict has killed tens of
thousands of people and displaced millions.

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    20 September 00:08, by lino

    Haha...haha! Uncle M7 you have just woke up from your coma!!!
Haha...haha. We have been saying this since the war started on
December 15, 2013... Haha... even SPLM leaders said this on December
6, 2013 in their famous press conference... Lost of direction and
vision... Before Mayardiit turned on them and announced foil fack

    repondre message
        20 September 00:13, by lino

        You have even been supporting Mayardiit who don’t have any
ideology and doesn’t believe in New Sudan Vision anymore since Dr.
John passed on...I hope Dr. John had visited you in your sleep so you
woke up now... Great news, but how are we going to go back to the
vision and ideology???!

        repondre message
            20 September 02:56, by john akeen

            if I say you’re one of the people that who is destroying
South Sudan land, do you agree? Don’t talk about something you don’t
know about because in your comments it shows that you’re acting like
you’re holding South Sudan case in your hand, I think if you was one
of the people who is work in the country government 100% you won’t fix
anything, so please stop mooting

            repondre message
                20 September 05:56, by lino

                Haha...Haha...Poor John Aken, accusations is what
South Sudanese like you do the best and all the times, and it was, and
it is, and it will be as it is and till we change fundamentlly.
                What is not true in what I have mentioned above...Now
M7 is saying it! Is he leing?!
                You will hear it again and more..the vision of Dr.
John was lost, not talk about New Sudan values! It doesn’t have to be

                repondre message
                    20 September 05:59, by lino

                    ...Sudan.Why the leadership didn’t implement it in
just this Small ss?!!! Tell philosopher?!

                    repondre message
        20 September 07:58, by Midit Mitot

        M7, your flexibility is not too late if you have realized that
you was supporting wrong side.

        repondre message
        20 September 13:57, by jubaone

        The SPLM is so fractured and confused. Uniting them again is
like bringing hyenas, monkeys, goats and foxes together to form a
functioning circus. M7 just forget.

        repondre message
    20 September 06:00, by flipdiving

    I am very interested in the political situation here and this
information directly relevant to my work. Hoping you will provide more
    flip diving , bottle flip

    repondre message
    20 September 07:14, by Landlord

    M7 now that you have identified the problem to be ideology, what
next? Kiir is your best business friend, Just call and advise him to
stop war and develop ideology. I commend your concern. However, direct
involvement in south Sudan conflict in 2013 has crippled your
reputation. last week more arms come through Uganda to south Sudan
government, was that meant for unification. try harder anyway.

    repondre message
    20 September 08:12, by Kuch

    "Lack of ideology caused South Sudan’s conflict, says Museveni"
Unfortunately that is exactly true but hosts of other issues like:
Selfishness, greed, believe in Ngundeng’s superstitions & fantasies,
believe that you must be the one to rule South Sudan & the South
Sudanese people at all costs or South Sudan mustn’t exist,
unpatriotic-ism, primitivity, illiteracy among other were the ones

    repondre message
        20 September 08:31, by john akeen

        I hurd that Sudan government refused to give food to SSudaese
refugees enlist they say Allah akbar and besmllah, and pray in a
Islamic way, anyways, I swear to god, if I was president Kiir, I will
kill all of you REBELS, and I wouldn’t care about UN or AU EU, I
rather get sanction just to save the people and the country from you
mother fuckers, you think Salva and Malong are evils, but you did see

        repondre message
        20 September 08:35, by Kuch

        killed our people & almost destroyed our country. In fact what
happened in 2013 & continued to happen to this very day is nothing
short of ’a grand treason’ that carries a life imprisonment or a
hangman noose in other countries. Here in South Sudan, we have our
dithering Salva Kiir who had adopted a former Zaire president, Mobutu
Se sicko style of ruling South Sudan. Mobutu Se Sicko>>>

        repondre message
            20 September 08:46, by Kuch

            used to give the Zaireans whom he fired from their job for
incompetence their jobs back to quieten them up if they go & make a
lot of noises about his misrule of Zaire. And that was how Zaire was
looted on a grand scale. And this is exactly what our Salva Kiir has
been doing in our country with these traitors ever since. Traitors
like Pagan Amuom, Rebecca Nyandeng & others were fired for their>>>

            repondre message
                20 September 08:55, by Kuch

                incompetence & Mr. Riek Machar was fired for
insubordination and do many other rebels camping out in foreign
countries blackmailing & holding South Sudan & the South Sudanese
people’s hostage simply to get their old jobs back. And because we
have a huge population in our country that is so primitive & who can’t
think outside the box of tribalism that these same ’old losers’ they

                repondre message
                    20 September 09:03, by Kuch

                    still want to enthrone into power back again in
our country are the same losers who messed up our country in the first
place!! Starting from Riek Machar, Pagan Amuom, Rebecca Nyandeng, Lam
Akol, Thomas Cirrilo, Majak Agoot, Costi Manibe, Mr. Bakosaro & others
were the same old South Sudanese who ruled us since 2005 until they
were fired from their jobs a few years ago>>>

                    repondre message
                        20 September 09:15, by Kuch

                        So what is so new from these ’South Sudanese
same old guards’ to offer our country & our people that some of our
South Sudanese who think it worth it by ’putting their own precious
lives’ on the line to die for these same old (South Sudanese) big
losers who created this mess in our country? Nothing, absolutely
nothing other than that these same old big losers are from our clans
or tribes>>>

                        repondre message
                            20 September 09:27, by Kuch

                            simple & square, nothing less nothing
more. To be honest fellows, some Nuers were fighting to put their Riek
Machar into power purposely to fulfilled their Ngendaeng Biong fantasy
& superstition. For some Equatorians though, they are fighting their
aged-old "Korkora"---that the Jenges/Dinkas are taking over their
Juba. Little do they understand that their Juba is a South Sudanese

                            repondre message
                                20 September 09:37, by Kuch

                                And these same Jenges/Dinkas were the
same Jenges/Dinkas who crisscrossed their whole Equatoria blasting out
*Mundukru/Arabs out* of their villages & towns when most of them were
in Uganda, Khartoum, DRC or other countries. And these same
Jenges/Dinkas died in their hundred of thousands in Equatoria
liberating it as their own country>>>

                                repondre message
                                    20 September 09:51, by Kuch

                                    Yes, there were some Dinka/Jenge
pastorals who were letting their cattle destroyed crops in former
Western Equatoria & Central Equatoria. Which was a menace to all South
Sudanese people & the government of South Sudan gave orders for the
pastoral communities to get the ’hell of farmlands’ & the order was
carried out by the authorities as was directed>>>

                                    repondre message
                                        20 September 10:05, by Kuch

                                        And even before some of our
people of former Central Equatoria let their balls carried them away &
joined their Riek Machar aimless armed rebellion in July last year.
They were rightly informed to not joined in the Riek Machar aimless
armed rebellion because, war in their communities was not going to be
good for them & the South Sudanese people. But some of them failed to
heed the warning anyway>>

                                        repondre message
                                            20 September 10:15, by Kuch

                                            simply because some of our
Equatorians who believed in their so-called *Korkora" from the UK, the
US & other countries, the urging of their foreign sponsors; the CIA,
MI6 & some other foreign secrete agents posing as NGO workers urged
some of these former Central Equatorians to join their Riek Machar
fools earlier last year & when Mr. Riek Machar came back from Adis
Ababa to Juba, last year>>>

                                            repondre message
                                                20 September 11:20, by Kuch

                                                he devoted his whole
time in RECRUITING some of his LOSERS in our former Central Equatoria
to join his "game of coming back to South Sudan & to take over power
the (big thing), Mabior Garang, 2016" And yes, their Riek Machar
staged their third coup game of coming back to South Sudan & to take
over power the, big thing" and joined their Riek Machar *third armed
aimless rebellion*>>>

                                                repondre message
                                                    20 September 11:34, by Kuch

                                                    in July last year.
And before some of these lowly Equatorians foreign puppets joined
their Riek Machar aimless armed rebellion last year fellows; some of
their foreign sponsors (CIA, MI6, their other foreign agents), UN,
their evil juus & some of their other evils posing as their NGO
workers helping South Sudanese people when in fact, they are our
greatest enemies on earth>>>

                                                    repondre message
                                                        20 September
11:44, by Kuch

                                                        These same
evil criminals from the US, the UK, their UN, their NGOs & some of
their dirts in between even *went & talked to Uganda*; and that was
why many lowly informed Equatorians & their evil sponsors from the US,
the UK, their UN & their NGOs from Yei, Juba, Lainya, Keji-Keije ran
to Uganda right after their Riek Machar on the directives of their
foreign masters & later then & lie through>>>

                                                        repondre message
September 12:00, by Kuch

dirty teeth that they are (innocent Equatorians civilians) are being
killed by the SPLA (a Dinka/Jienge), government. These same criminals
used to call the Dinkas/Jenges names----MTNs, corrupts, savages,
uncircumcized et al. And killed the innocents Jenges/Dinkas on roads,
Yei, Keji-keijie on the roads from Juba-Yei, Munduri-Maridi, Bor-

                                                            repondre message
    20 September 10:01, by Peng Kimang

    Indeed M7 hit the nail on the head. S.Sudanese leaderships,
precisely the SPLM party has no ideology and vision for this country.
They careless about it’s people. They looted and pillaged all the
nations wealth for themselves, leaving people in desperate situation.
People are dying of hunger,diseases and systematic night killings by
those in uniform. The perpetrators were not brought to justice.

    repondre message
        20 September 11:28, by Don-Don Malith Rual

        "Identity is important and it should not be promoted in the
expense of people" said; president Museveni,M7 📞 called identity
politics in his own word to my understanding the tribalism of
identifing one another as ethics so called tribal
        Fault line, should not be used to divided people,we should
embrace these multicultural, multilingual and accept ourselves as

        repondre message
        20 September 13:16, by Kuch

        Fellows, we are here fellows. My South Sudanese fellows, our
country is being used by the greatest evils on earth as their
Geo-political chase game to achieve their dirty game in our country &
they are doing it with.

        repondre message
            20 September 13:49, by Kwacha Okonyomoi

            The wise man of Africa has said the truth. Tribalism is
killing South Sudan.
            Imagine where the civil servants go unpaid for six
months,robbery and killing every day. Diseases and hunger every where
etc.. etc.. just because some greedy politicians want to click to
power at any cause.Shame! God bless South Sudan.

            repondre message
    20 September 14:04, by MC GLazz

    When UPDF troops was in South Sudan M7 called this term as
Bilateral Intervention ,,,,When UPDF forces left South Sudan M7 Called
as lack of Ideology,,, I thought M7 was one to worsen this conflict to
lead as vehement ethnical War.

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