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From: "Eric Reeves" <eree...@smith.edu>
Date: Sep 22, 2017 18:32
Subject: Yet Again, Kalma camp (South Darfur) for displaced persons is the
scene of deadly violence by Khartoum’s security forces
To: "Eric Reeves" <eree...@smith.edu>

*Yet Again, Kalma camp (South Darfur) for displaced persons is the scene of
deadly violence by Khartoum’s security forces*

Eric Reeves   |   September 22, 2017  |  http://wp.me/p45rOG-26t

Yet again, Kalma camp for displaced persons—just outside Nyala, capital of
South Darfur, has been the scene of deadly violence by Khartoum’s security
forces—on this occasion, in connection with a speech my President and
*Genocidaire-in-Chief*, Omar al-Bashir, who was speaking in Nyala.

According to Radio Dabanga, al-Bashir “addressed a mass public rally in
Nyala yesterday, where he spoke of the return of the displaced to their
villages of origin, and encouraged the state to develop formal housing for
those who are eligible.” Predictably, al-Bashir made no mention of the many
thousands of villages that have been destroyed by his army and militia
forces—or the countless farms that have been violently expropriated by
militia forces, some from outside Sudan (e.g., Chad, Niger, Mali).

Nor did al-Bashir mention the intolerable insecurity in most of Darfur that
faces those attempting to return to their lands: violence in the form of
raping girls and women (see | http://wp.me/p45rOG-1QG/), murder, extortion,
and further destruction of property are the norm (see |
http://wp.me/p45rOG-1P4/)—and UNAMID’s ongoing deployment out of Darfur
ensures that insecurity in Darfur will only grow.

It is at this moment that the Trump administration is making its final
decision to lift sanctions on the al-Bashir regime permanently—this in the
interests of securing putative counter-terrorism intelligence from men who
could hardly be more dishonest, and will abandon all terms specified for
the permanent lifting of sanctions, once the decision is announced. There
is no meaningful provision for the re-imposition of sanctions, no matter
how egregiously offensive Khartoum’s behavior, in Darfur—or South Kordofan
and Blue Nile. Despite the U.S. insistence on improved humanitarian access
as a condition for lifting sanction, Khartoum maintains a humanitarian
blockade on areas of the two regions controlled by the Sudan People’s
Liberation Movement/Army-North (SPLM/A-N).

The violence at Kalma has many precedents (see especially my *Wall Street
Journal *oped with Mia Farrow, below, on the terrible violence of August
2008; below the Radio Dabanga dispatch on the present Kalma violence). The
international community seems not to care. The UN’s World Health
Organization refuses to label the disease that has taken hold in Kalma as
*cholera, *even as that is clearly the case
This, too, is at Khartoum’s behest, but WHO’s silence represents
despicable, and deadly, cowardice.

Kalma is the emblem of Darfur, our clearest present picture of what the
Khartoum regime has in store for the people of Darfur. And if the
dismantling of camps such as Kalma—announced with emphatic insistence by
the regime on a number of occasions—the final stage of the Darfur genocide
will have begun.


*South Darfur camp protest turns deadly, UNAMID calls for restraint*

Radio Dabanga [ https://www.dabangasudan.org/en ] September 22, 2017 | NYALA

*At least three people died in protests against a visit of the Sudanese
president in Kalma camp in South Darfur. The African Union-United Nations
peacekeeping mission in Darfur said it is deeply concerned about clashes
between Sudanese government forces and displaced people. * Approximately 26
others were wounded, according to the UNAMID peacekeeping mission in a
press statement received by Radio Dabanga.

*The Kalma camp coordinator released a statement earlier today reporting
that five people were killed this morning, and 26 people sustained
injuries.* The coordinator provided the names of the deceased and said that
the wounded are being treated in the UNAMID base in the camp. UNAMID urges
all conflicting parties to exercise utmost restraint and “is doing
everything it can to deescalate the situation. “I call upon everyone
involved in this situation to restore calm as soon as possible. A peaceful
resolution of differences is the only way forward for the Darfuri people,”
said UNAMID Joint Special Representative, Jeremiah Mamabolo.

A medical team from UNAMID is currently in Kalma camp to assist local
authorities in treating the injured. Furthermore, the mission engages with
the state government and leaders of the displaced communities in an attempt
to peacefully resolve the issue. The deadly incident reportedly occurred
this morning after forces of the Sudanese government dispersed a group of
displaced people who were protesting against the visit of the Sudanese
president Omar Al Bashir to South Darfur. *Al Bashir addressed a mass
public rally in Nyala yesterday, where he spoke of the return of the
displaced to their villages of origin, and encouraged the state to develop
formal housing for those who are eligible.*

*[These are villages that in many thousands of cases have been destroyed by
al-Bashir’s army and militias—ER]*

*UNAMID protection*

On Monday, dozens of representatives of the camps for displaced people met
in Kalma and handed a letter to UNAMID with the request to secure the
peaceful marches that displaced people plan to hold, without the risk of
being subjected to repressive or violent actions by riot police. The
statement continues explaining that displaced decided to hold peaceful
marches for a period of three days from today until Thursday – for this,
they called on UNAMID to provide security during these days.


*The request of the representatives to UNAMID to provide protection during
the days of protests in Sept. 2017*

*‘Not welcome’*

Representatives of the displaced in South Darfur have been unambiguous in
their rejection of Al Bashir’s visit. Sheikh Ali Abdelrahman El Tahir, the
head of camp Kalma which has seen four days of protests, told Radio Dabanga
yesterday that “President Al Bashir is not welcome in the South Darfur
camps for the displaced,” he said. “We don't want to see his face here.”
Yagoub Abdallah Furi, the Coordinator of the Darfuri Camps, confirmed to
Radio Dabanga that “the demonstrations will continue with the same force on
Friday in conjunction with the announced visit of Al Bashir so that both
local and international opinion will know what Kalma is talking about.”

*[Date-stamped photos of victims of the attack, from Radio Dabanga and also
as conveyed to me by a highly reliable source and taken at the scene,
appear below—ER]*


*"Now Sudan Is Attacking Refugee Camps," **The Wall Street Journal**, 6
September 2008*

Eric Reeves and Mia Farrow http://online.wsj.com/

At 6am on the morning of August 25 [2008] Kalma camp, home to 90,000
displaced Darfuris, was surrounded by Sudanese government forces. By 7am,
60 heavily armed military vehicles had entered the camp, shooting and
setting straw huts ablaze. Terrified civilians—who had previously fled
their burning villages when they were attacked by this same government and
its proxy killers the Janjaweed—hastily armed themselves with sticks,
spears and knives. Of course, these were no match for machine guns and
automatic weapons. By 9am, the worst of the brutal assault was over. The
vehicles rolled out leaving scores dead and over 100 wounded. Most were
women and children.

The early morning attack ensured that no aid workers were present as
witnesses. Doctors Without Borders did manage to negotiate the
transportation of 49 of the most severely wounded to a hospital in the
nearby town of Nyala. But beyond this, aid workers have been blocked from
entering the camp. Military vehicles have now increased in number and
massed around Kalma. They have permitted no humanitarian assistance to
reach the wounded. People already hard hit by recent floods and
deteriorating sanitary conditions have received no food, water or medicine
since Monday. The dead cannot even be buried with the white shrouds
requested by the families of the victims.

How can such brazen cruelty be inflicted upon our fellow human beings? How
is it that a military assault on displaced civilians in a refugee camp
creates barely a ripple in the news cycle? How does such outrageous human
destruction prompt so little outrage? How is it that those who have been
tasked with protecting the world's most vulnerable population have
failed—and failed, and then failed yet again—in their central
responsibility? What does this say about the United Nations and the
powerful member states? How have we come to such a moment?

Such questions can be answered by looking at our response to Darfur's agony
over the past six years. Any honest assessment would be as shocking and
dispiriting as the assault on Kalma itself. The international response to
massive crimes by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and his cabal has been
simply this: We accommodate and acquiesce, with the contrived hope that
these tyrants might grow weary of their task, or that paper agreements can
somehow have meaning without a sustained and powerful international
commitment backing them.

The Kalma massacre is a part of Khartoum's larger genocidal campaign. Since
2003, 80% - 90% of Darfur's African villages have been destroyed, and more
than 2.5 million survivors have fled to squalid camps across Darfur,
eastern Chad and the Central African Republic. Hundreds of thousands have
died. Khartoum's next goal is to shut down camps in Darfur, and force
people out into the desert where they cannot survive. The homes and fields
that once sustained so many of Darfur's people are ashes now, or they have
new occupants—Arab tribes from Darfur and as far away as Chad, Niger and

The message of the Kalma massacre is chillingly clear for Darfuris. But
this assault on civilians in full view of the international community
raises the question of what the massacre says about the rest of us. The
only message we have sent to the Sudanese government is that they can now
attack the camps and the world will watch and do nothing.

*[Ms. Farrow has just returned from her 10th trip to the Darfur region. Mr.
Reeves is author of "A Long Day's Dying: Critical Moments in the Darfur
Genocide" (The Key Publishing House, 2007)]*





Eric Reeves, Senior Fellow at Harvard University’s François-Xavier Bagnoud
Center for Health and Human Rights




About Eric Reeves: http://sudanreeves.org/about-eric-reeves


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