On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 19:40 +0200, Jiba wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just commited in Soya's Subversion a full support for Cerealizer, a 
> secure pickle-like module 
> (http://home.gna.org/oomadness/en/cerealizer/index.html). One can now use 
> Cerealizer everywhere Soya was using cPickle.
> However cPickle is still the default (although this will probably change in 
> futur version; to enable Cerealizer you must do:
>       import cerealizer, soya.cerealizer4soya
>       soya.set_file_format(cerealizer.dumps)
> Then, any file saved by calling the "save()" method will be saved by 
> Cerealizer (you can verify that by opening the file and check if it starts by 
> "cereal1").
> In addition, Soya is currently able to read BOTH cPickle and Cerealizer files 
> (however this may not be the default in future version). To convert all your 
> files from cPickle to Cerealizer, you just have to load and save them (I'm 
> going to write a script for that).
> If you want to be sure that cPickle is used, you should do:
>       import cPickle
>       soya.set_file_format(cPickle.dumps)
> There are 2 noticeable differences between cPickle and Cerealizer:
> * Cerealizer is safe, and thus you have to declare which classes are safe for 
> saving, as following:
>       cerealizer.register(YourSafeClass)
>    (for Soya classes, such as Volume or World, importing soya.cerealizer4soya 
> does the job for you)
> * When using Cerealizer, Soya doesn't save textures in Materials (contrary to 
> what soya does with cPickle), but only the texture's image filename. It 
> results in much smaller Material files, but you have to distribute the image 
> files as well.
> I've also modified blender2soya.py so as it can export to Cerealizer 
> (auto-exporter takes care of file format automagically).
> Finally, loading Cerealizer file is safe as long as the registered classes' 
> __new__, __del__, __getstate__ and __setstate__ are safe. I'm thus going to 
> review all soya's __new__, __del__, __getstate__ and __setstate__ in order to 
> be sure that they are really safe (as usually, any help is welcome :-).
> Jiba

Personally, I think the decision to support both and provide hooks to
easily switch between the two methods is a __FANTASTIC__ step in the
right direction, design-wise. I'll use whatever is the default (and
indeed, Cerializer sounds really cool), but I really think this is the
kind of mindset we need to have moving foward.

Werd up, Jiba. :)

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