What I am trying to do is to change the strength of a
light while a script is running.

No responses, so I thought maybe I need to post a complete
working example of the problem...  Any hints on how to make
this work appreciated.

## light_intensity.py
import sys, os, os.path, soya
from random import random

soya.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "data"))

scene = soya.World()
# plug in the name of some model you have. I just saved the
# Blender default cube as "box.blend" in the tutorial/data/blender
# folder.
model = soya.Shape.get("box")

# uncomment one of these to see different intensities
# of the light ...
#initial_light_constant = 0.1
initial_light_constant = 4
initial_light_constant = 18

class V(soya.Volume):
   def __init__(self, scene, model, light):
       soya.Volume.__init__(self, scene, model)
       self.light = light
   def begin_round(self):
       # changes light.constant at random intervals
       # this is what is not working for me ...
       if random() > .99:
           if self.light.constant < 1:
               self.light.constant = 18
               print 'on'
               self.light.constant = .1
               print 'off'

light = soya.Light(scene)
light.set_xyz(0.5, 6.0, 7.0)
light.constant = initial_light_constant

v = V(scene, model, light)

camera = soya.Camera(scene)
camera.z = 5.0
camera.y = 2.0

## light_intensity.py

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