Hi all!

Here is coming my new network engine Tofu! It is destined to Soya-based game, 
and relies on UDP. It uses several original technics like acknowledging packet 
and sending again non-acknowledged packets AFTER updating them, or the 
existence of "inhibited states" inspired like in biological models. It also 
uses a method vaguely inspired by aspect-oriented-programming, which allows 
Tofu to be written in less than 1000 lines of code, including the demo :-)

This version of Tofu has been successfully tested with up to 6 or 7 clients. 
But we were lacking people to try a higher number of clients !

This is why I propose a big testing party on Saturday the 5, at 20 o clock 
(French hour). Anyone is welcome !

To launch the client, there are 2 possibilities :

 * download the binary package (Linux x686, warning 20 MB !) 

Uncompress it, cd inside it and then:

./run_demo --client <LOGIN> nekeme.net

where <LOGIN> is the name of your choice (a new character is automatically 
created if the login doesn't exist).

 * or install Soya SVN, as well as tofu_udp (present at the root of Soya's 
SVN), and launch:

python ./tofu_udp/test/demo.py --client <LOGIN> nekeme.net

where <LOGIN> is the name of your choice (a new character is automatically 
created if the login doesn't exist).


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