Very bad english indeed...

You can use raypick categories to do this. Worlds and bodies have an 
attribute named "solid" that is a 32 bit wide bitfield identifying the 
categories the object belongs to.

Example :

CATEGORY2 = 1 << 1

object1.solid = CATEGORY1 # this object belong to category 1
object2.solid = CATEGORY2 # this object belong to category 2
object3.solid = CATEGORY1 |  CATEGORY2 # this object belong to both 
category 1 and 2

Now when you use the raypick functions you can use the optional category 
parameter to select the categories you want to test. By default all 
object have solid = 1.

Note that soya raypicking process is recursive. If you raypick a world 
and that world's solid attribute don't the match the category you passed 
to raypick() then the whole world is ignored and it's children wont be 
tested ! (this makes the category system quite difficult to use, maybe I 
should change that...)

Hope this help. And by the way, there is a similar category system in 
ODE geoms.


Pascal Peter wrote:
> sorry for my very bad English.
> My question is :
> is it a way to ave a part of the level of my game that is ignored by 
> collisions ?
> I ave a level like in game_skel from tutorials and a character.
> I want tu put details in a separate level, so the collisions are ignored 
> for them.
> I experiment with a second level, attach the character to the first 
> level, but collisions are do.
> With a second World, the second level is not visible (I mean it is normal).
> So, what can I do ?
> O-
> Pascal
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