On 19 déc. 07, at 10:22, Souvarine wrote:

> For your task there is an easy way to go : Just create a vector  
> oriented
> toward north with your scene (world) as parent. Then create a vector
> with your character as parent and oriented toward the front of your
> character. And that's it, any time you want to check the  
> orientation of
> your character from north you use the angle_to method with those two
> vectors. Easy :)

        But take care that this vector may not be in the horizontal plane  
(as the north vector is). Therefor, the angle_to methode will not  
return the exact angle to north. you have project this vector on the  
horizontal plane

(example where the horizontal plane's equation is "y=0" (or any  

# Having
field = World()
north = Vector(field,43,0,53) # the 0 is mandatory. The two other  
value (43, and 54) have to be set as wished)
agent= Body(field)

# You get the angle to north with :
agent_front = Vector(agent,0,0,-1)      # you get the agent front
agent_front %= field    # convert the agent_front vector in the field  
agent_front.y   # project the vector on the horizontal plane
angle = agent_front.angle_to(north)     # calculate the angle to north  
(yeah it's the most useful comment

### But beware ! ! ! This is the angle to north, not the orientation,  
I mean than east and west will have the same value. You have to  
determine this another way.

# but when your north vector run along the X ou Z axis you just have  
to test the value of the other axis

# Having
north = Vector(field,0,0,-1) # the north run along the Z axis

#add this after angle calculation
if agent_front.x < 0: # If the vector is at East.
        angle = 360-angle

It may be a good idea to make a tutorial of it. :-)

Have fun.

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