Ilja Krjuchkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am have some truble with Soya,please help me:)
> I am tray to install Soya-0.13
> and have error :
> /Users/iljakrjuchkov/Soya-0.13/model/terrain.pyx:1464:70: Cannot  
> assign type 'float' to 'int'

This looks like the sort of problem you get when you
have a different version of Pyrex installed than the one
that was used by Jiba last time he made a Soya release.

If you're only trying to install Soya, and not trying
to compile modified Pyrex sources, the best thing to do
is modify so that it doesn't use Pyrex, and
just uses the .c files included in the distribution.

To Jiba: I strongly recommend that you don't distribute
with a that uses Pyrex by default, even if it's
installed on the user's system.


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