Greg Ewing wrote:
> This sounds very interesting, especially the part about
> being able to use a variety of existing 3D model formats
> as input. 
Actually it's about being able to handle levels (scenes) modeled with 
any modeler (at least the most used). Level designers all have their 
modeler of choice and they don't like to change, it is not a good idea 
to tell a 3DS pro that he must use Blender instead.
That's one of the hard part of the project (but not the hardest I 
think). There is several solutions to that problem, I haven't done much 
research on those yet.

The best would be to find a standard file format that all modeler can 
support and implement only that one, sounds like a dream... 
Unfortunately I'm not sure such a format exist yet. Their is the Collada 
format that have been made to be a standard but it seems that it is not 
well handled yet by modelers. Blender have a plugin for it but it seems 
very incomplete. For 3DS it look like you have to pay to get a collada 
plugin. I have been told that SketchUp is the only modeler that support 
collada natively and properly (don't know if that is true). Since you 
like SketchUp, can you tell me if it is possible to model a whole level 
with it ? Including the possibility to model terrains, put light 
sources, place locations and name them, label some parts of the geometry 
with specific names ?

Other possibilities are either to handle several of the most used 3D 
files format, or to write exporters for the most used modelers. I don't 
feel comfortable about using non standard file format since they might 
change with new software version and not necessarily be reverse 
compatible. Also it look like a basic exporter does not require much 
line of code. It might be easier to code and maintain severals exporters 
for the most used modelers than trying to support their file format.

Any informations on this would be appreciate.


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