
I'm trying to create a 3D Multiplayer game, with tofu. I have the basics now, 
so I have a guy running on the ground with collisiondetection and physics.
In singleplayer mode the game runs fine. I can also start a server without any 
problems, but when I want to connect a client, I get an uninformative error:

* Tofu * Server ready.
* Tofu * Connection from
* Tofu * Creating new player player...
Exception exceptions.RuntimeError: RuntimeError('CalRenderer_BeginRendering 
failed: Invalid handle as argument',) in 
'_soya._AnimatedModel._build_submeshes' ignored
* Tofu * Player player login.
* Tofu * Level l UID:4 activated.
Segmentation fault

I don't understand what I did wrong. 

So, I have a link to my game and I would be pleased if someone could look at 
my code and tell me what I did wrong :-) .


the important files are human.py run.py player.py cameras.py controller.py and 

All this files are very small, so it'll not take so much time to look at it.

Thank you very much.

Yours, Filip Hasecke

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