While this bug isn't a HUGE must-squash, I feel it is best this is
written down somewhere since I spent several hours trying to
understand why my code was crashing.

scroller = soya.gui.ScrollPane(table)
soya.gui.Text(scroller, u"")


  File "test.py", line 52, in <module>
  File "main_loop.pyx", line 185, in _soya.MainLoop.main_loop
  File "main_loop.pyx", line 281, in _soya.MainLoop.render
  File "renderer.pyx", line 434, in _soya.render
  File "renderer.pyx", line 409, in _soya.check_gl_error

This above code WILL CRASH EVERY RUN. This is simply because the
textbox has no contents.

The very simple fix is to change u"" to u" " (a space, not empty). The
reason I wanted an empty text box was simply so I could fill it with
data at a later time. Hope this'll help anyone else who's trying to do
the same thing as me here.

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