On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Jan Pazdziora <jpazdzi...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 11:17:13AM -0500, Jesus M. Rodriguez wrote:

>> It might be needed by a package that we use, which means that the
>> Requires should be fixed on
>> the other dependent package.
> Well, in that 5.2.0, it is not in any .java file either. But it's there
> in buildconf/build-props.xml and it's there in
> conf/default/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.conf. And the fact is that adding
> it fixed that Internal Server Error on RHEL 4.
> If he has Spacewalk on RHEL 4, I could have tested it more closely,
> with the current setup I'm more like doing the same 5.2.0-ish
> response to the same problem.

Not satisfied completely with the answer, I did some digging :) this
is really a bug
against jakarta-commons-fileupload packages *NOT* spacewalk-java.

jakarta-commons-fileupload 1.1.1-3jpp.ep1.1 (1.1.1 in general) has a
of jakarta-commons-io. But there is no Requires: of jakarta-commons-io.

$ grep commons-io jakarta-commons-fileupload.spec
BuildRequires:  jakarta-commons-io
export CLASSPATH="$(build-classpath commons-io junit portlet-1.0-api \

And looking through the source code it is clearly used:

$ search commons.io \*.java

This is only a problem with 1.1.1 version of
jakarta-commons-fileupload. In development
of spacewalk we are using 1.0:

$ grep fileupload ivy.xml
        <dependency org="redhat" name="commons-fileupload" rev="1.0" />

1.0 is the latest available in EPEL and Fedora 9.

I'd like to see a bug opened against jakarta-commons-fileupload
instead of adding
the Requires to spacewalk-java.


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