> Can you add the screenshots to the bugzilla? Good place to reference them 
> later.

Will do.

> You have In Progress and All. Part of me thinks you'd need a Completed one.

Ya know, I actually thought about that too, and it's so simple I'll
throw it in so we can see how it looks.

> What if something Fails? what then?

That's tricky. I wanted to do some sort of "failed" state, but when
would it be failed? If one or more of the servers in the set for the
operation fails?

That part wouldn't be too bad for server-side operations (change
channels, delete server). I could enhance the operation->server mapping
table to carry some lightweight information on success/failure and
display the failures more prominently in the details page.

But client-side operations get trickier. There are a few options:
- Add something into the event handling code to know its part of an SSM
operation and update the success/failure field as described above. That
would let us treat server-side and client-side operations the same as
far as this log is concerned, at the expense of adding the ugliness to
the event handling code (not a fan of this approach)
- Add a distinction to the SSM operation data to know if its a client or
server side operation. Based on that, we either query the
success/failure info as above (server-side) or query the event history
for the server to see if it completed yet (client-side actions).

The latter may not be 100% correct. I may be wrong in my assumption that
the event history is only stored for client-side actions. When porting
the channel subscription change I know there was a place to snap out a
log entry; I'm still waiting for my IDE to load to check into it more

> Also, if you want to create a page for
> each state, you could use the same page with a formvar of state= that can be
> used to filter it.

I tried that first, but I was running into issues with the rhn-tabs. I
originally had:


But when I did that, the subtabs didn't properly reflect which page you
were on. I kinda assumed the subtab code didn't look at parameters for
uniqueness and just thought both of those URLs should
match /ssm/ViewLog.do and thus went to the same subtab.

I also tried one action, multiple struts mappings for it, passing in a
parameter to the mapping in the struts-config.xml to dictate what it
should show, but I couldn't remember how to actually get that parameter
back out in the action itself :)

So in the interest of getting the UI done for discussion, I subclassed
the base action with very thin subclasses that indicate what to show and
the message key for the summary field. I'm open to the parameterized,
single action approach if someone can kick me in the right direction on
why my subtabs were misbehaving.

> I noticed the url of the first 2 screens have no formvars. How does one get to
> these pages? Is it triggered by user? serverid? or something else?

Not completely sure I follow the question, but I think the answer is
that these are all operations triggered by the user. Since we never snap
out a label for the SSM at a point in time, there's not really a
finer-grained view on the data saying "show me the log for 'jdob's bad
ass set of servers'". It's just "What has jdob done in the SSM."

> On the last screenshot it shows progress, will that progress update while
> the user is looking at the page? What about the progress in the lists? Not 
> sure
> we have progress in a list before.

It's something I'm trying out and not wed to. The idea was since we're
dealing with a set of servers, it felt like we should be able to
reasonably say how many of them have been processed and how many remain.
I wanted a way to show the user that it's actually doing something, not
just sitting there perpetually in progress.

In reality, I don't think it's gonna work. Again we'd have to do some
weirdness to update this for client-side actions so we know when they

For server-side, my first use case already broke down. When I optimized
the channel subscription, things are done against servers in RhnSets. So
while I could potentially update the progress to track the population of
these sets, even when that's finished we're not 100% done as we still
have to do the subscription changes, which at that point is done in bulk
in the DB and I'll only know when we begin them and end them all.

> Overall I like it. Nice job.

Thx. :)

> Nope the link is fine :) that's kinda how we do it everywhere else.

Good to know, thanks.

> jesus
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Jason Dobies (jason.dob...@redhat.com)
RHN Satellite & Spacewalk
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