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Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Sending to epel-devel and spacewalk-devel to share this info:
> Pradeep Kilambi wrote:
>> Pradeep Kilambi wrote:
>>> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>>> build...@fedoraproject.org wrote:
>>>>> NEW rhnpush-0.4.5-1.el5 : Package uploader for the Red Hat Network
>>>>> Satellite Server
>>>> Are you sure you want this in EPEL? IIRC this would conflict if a
>>>> EPEL user tries to install RHN satellite.
>>>> Rahul
>>> Hello Rahul:
>>> Looks like it got in as part of bug#485007. From what I read this is
>>> to add spacewalk support to fedora and centos.
> This is not first package which we put into Epel. There is already dozen
> of others.
> Since the open sourcing RHN Satellite as Spacewalk we said that
> Spacewalk want to be part of Fedora. And we are slowly fulfilling this
> wish. You can see the  progress on:
>  https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/GettingPackagesIntoFedora
> Every package which pass the review is built into F-10, devel, EL-4, EL-5.
> Unless something will change we will continue in this. If you disagree
> or have questions ask on spacewalk-de...@redhat.com.
> Back to your question:
>>IIRC this would conflict if a EPEL user tries to install RHN satellite.
> One of the basic requirements for RHN Satellite is to have only @base
> installed. Nothing more. If you enable epel repo for RHN Satellite, I'm
> sure bad things will happen. For example in epel is package
> perl-Class-MethodMaker-2.08-4.el5, but RHN Satellite (5.2.0-) expects
> perl-Class-MethodMaker-1.x and monitoring will not work with 2.x version
> of this packages.
> I'm sure few others conflict can be found. So Epel and RHN Satellite
> really do not likes each other.

Agreed.  And this requirement of what you can be subscribed to WRT
Satellite is very strong.  For example, you cannot subscribe to Extras
or Supplementary without potentially creating a world of hurt.  We need
rhnpush in Fedora and EPEL, so I don't see what the problem is.

And from the Satellite perspective, if you enable any channels/repos
other than Satellite and RHN Tools, you're putting yourself in a
difficult support situation and didn't follow the instructions.

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