% 489590 - Updated query to retrieve configuration managed systems to check 
that the systems returned have provisioning entitlements.
%   • [DH] java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/common/db/datasource/xml/
%     config_queries.xml
% URL: http://git.fedoraproject.org/git/?p=spacewalk.git;a=commitdiff;h=
% fb66c0dcc377f8d789a31e829eeeea7de97b7120

+                S.name
+      FROM rhnServer S
+INNER JOIN rhnUserServerPerms USP on S.id = USP.server_id
+INNER JOIN rhnClientCapability CC on S.id = CC.server_id 
+INNER JOIN rhnClientCapabilityName CCN on CC.capability_name_id = CCN.id
+     WHERE USP.user_id = :user_id
+       AND CCN.name LIKE 'configfiles%'
+       AND S.id in (
+           SELECT SS.id
+             FROM rhnServer SS,
+                  rhnServerGroupMembers MM,
+                  rhnServerGroup GG,
+                  rhnServerGroupType TT
+            WHERE SS.id = MM.server_id
+              AND MM.server_group_id = GG.id
+              AND GG.group_type = TT.id
+              AND TT.label = 'provisioning_entitled'
+            )
+  ORDER BY UPPER(NVL(S.name, '(none)')), S.id

The 'rhnServer SS' table in subselect is redundant :). As I can see the only
reason to have it there is join SS.id = MM.server_id and then return SS.id,
so why not return MM.server_id directly? It will save us one table scan
(well, its primary key index in fact) and one table join...

So modified version could be
      FROM rhnServer S
INNER JOIN rhnUserServerPerms USP on S.id = USP.server_id
INNER JOIN rhnClientCapability CC on S.id = CC.server_id 
INNER JOIN rhnClientCapabilityName CCN on CC.capability_name_id = CCN.id
     WHERE USP.user_id = :user_id
       AND CCN.name LIKE 'configfiles%'
       AND S.id in (
           SELECT MM.server_id
                  rhnServerGroupMembers MM,
                  rhnServerGroup GG,
                  rhnServerGroupType TT
            WHERE MM.server_group_id = GG.id
              AND GG.group_type = TT.id
              AND TT.label = 'provisioning_entitled'
  ORDER BY UPPER(NVL(S.name, '(none)')), S.id

Michael Mráka
Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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