Today we have two commit formats. If you are fixing a bug the format

 bznumber - msg

If it is not a bug fix, it is just:


This has been working out ok so far. But we're getting more descriptive
in our commits which is good for looking back at history but sucks for
changelogs and 'git log --pretty=oneline'

James Bowes' made reference to a summary line followed by a blank line
then a detailed paragraph. I didn't think much of it, until I saw
vim change colors as I was typing.

Here's a summary:

First line would be 50 character summary (including 6 digit bug number
if needed). Followed by a blank line, then several paragraphs
wrapped at 72 characters.

What do you think? I know 50 characters isn't much so it will force
us to be very wise with our words in the first line. But it will
certainly make changelogs and 'git log --pretty=oneline' much
easier to work with.

Here's another post on the subject from the Rails folks:

Thoughts? I suspect the lengths will cause folks to balk at this
suggestion :)

jesus m. rodriguez        |
sr. software engineer     | irc: zeus
rhn satellite & spacewalk | 919.754.4413 (w)
rhce # 805008586930012    | 919.623.0080 (c)
|  "Those who cannot learn from history     |
|   are doomed to repeat it."               |
|                       -- George Santayana |

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