Pradeep Kilambi wrote:
James Bowes wrote:
Hey gang:

Attached is a patch to get rhn_register to send up smbios data during a
remaining_subscriptions call, so that during rhn_register you won't get
prompted for an IN if your account has no available channel entitlements,
but you should get free guest channel entitlements due to the host
having a virtualization system level entitlement.


We cant do this yet as remaining_subscriptions call on satellite does'nt support virt uuid.

meant smbios here.

I'm guessing you forgot to add the hosted changes here. I see that you guys are tracking this in bug#499830. We'll need to create a clone for this bug for spacewalk/satellite and port the server changes to satellite and then add this to the client.

I'll create a clone and port the hosted patch to satellite first, looks like its in commit #1b70e30e038c00d0dcaef9c34be9c153265cd92d in hosted if I'm not mistaken.

~ Prad


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