On 08/04/2009 03:53 PM, Joshua Roys wrote:
Hello all,

Attached is a patch that lets you play around with symlinks through the config management interface (rhbz#428190). It's a bit of a hack in the sense that it asks you to put the target of the symlink in the file contents. Also, a few things are unfinished or don't do what is expected with this patch.

Things to do/fix:
- asking for a diff dereferences the symlink. move the code from transaction.py to file_utils.py/process? - integrate with deploy/rollback. pretend symlinks are files in transaction.py? necessary with symlinks?
- hide the owner:group/mode fields?  always root:root/0777?
- when you click on "Symbolic link" in the web interface, hide the "File Contents" box and have a "Destination" input field appear? - on the Channel overview page, the incorrect count of files appears. where is this number calculated from? (how does it get into ConfigChannelDto.java?)

Anyone have some advice on the last one? Or any suggestions on the other ones, too.


Joshua Roys

I'll go ahead and take this for review as well. But I vote to include this for 0.7 as its already too late for inclusion into spacewalk-0.6 at this point.

~ Prad


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Pradeep Kilambi
Senior Software Engineer
RHN Satellite Engineering
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